>22yo girl looks better than 90% of Zig Forums
BTFO Zig Forums
>22yo girl looks better than 90% of Zig Forums
BTFO Zig Forums
She looks gross, I bet her pussy is dry and her clit is bigger than OP's dick. Basically a tranny.
You sound mad
>Nose ring
>Apple watch
This alone is enough to garner a hard pass.
She would look better with a paper bag over her head. Who thinks snuggling up to a woman who feels like Terry crews in the dark is sexy lmao.
Women are dumb, They are either morbidly obese or they look like this. Bitch just do fork downs for awhile and you'll have an ideal female body.
Fuck off Satan, if you think some chick blasting male hormones until she looks like a ripped dude is hot then you're a closeted homo, that's a tranny
Ngl I wood.
absolutely replusive. girls who juice are mentally disabled.
Imagine if all mentally disabled girls juiced though. The roid rage combined with retard strength and lower brain function incapable of comprehending empathy would create a race of ruthless super warriors with an insatiable apetite for destruction
>tfw no retarded roid rage gf
lets be honest, she even doesnt look like a female.
Hnng would smash
What kind of 30 y/o disgusting, neckbeard delusions do you live in?
>22yo girl on steroid looks better than 90% of Zig Forums
amirite ? no shit sherlock
>inb4 "u maddd xDDD"
no, couldnt care enough, just stating facts but whatever gets u off with your shit baits
I've always wanted to fuck a chick like that to see what it's like.
I would like to be her bitch
At least he's not a tripfag
>Female steroid user
yuck, clit is probably huge
>low body fat
double yuck
This is the ideal 22 year old Zig Forums female body
i wonder how big her clit is
Yes but at what cost?
Isn't she like 18 bruh
22yo girl looks better than 90% of Zig Forums
Like every female who roids, she is going to be less fertile, have menstrual issues, have an enlarged clit (I happen to like this, but the problem is the labia does not get larger so it just looks awkward as fuck to have a roidclit), and she will age like a total goblin when she hits 35-40.
And of course, the greatest sin of all
>they lose their hips and have tightly compacted man-asses
Female roiding is a terrible thing.
>20 years later
absolute peak female form. maybe 3 or 4% less of bodyfat if u like to see them lines on her abs but goddam
FBB = women who want the same attention levels as models but have 7/10 faces or less
roiding as a woman isn't bad, just stick to anavar clen and t3
>does a clen/var/t3 cycle once
I've seen one of them irl, she was way more defined than me but not as strong or big