What do you think while lifting?

What do you think while lifting?

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Usually about form.

Focus on the muscles


My self hatred. It’s probably my biggest motivation.


i think about how it is supposed to make my mindset stronger but i'm still the same NEET faggot

about suicide

Stretching pussy licking asshole cum inside everytime

>Why am I doing this
>I only lift for vanity I don't even like it
>Ignore the pain
>Quarantine or not you'll be alone
>Lift so you can eat more lets go

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i wonder if clarence would be proud of me.

Unironically war. ill be on the lines soon

I think about the times when my friends would ditch me, when girls would make fun of me and play mean jokes on me, when people deliberately ignore me, all the times I was bullied growing up. The hate helps me enter the void and get some solid pumps. Life’s good now

I tell myself I was too good for her and that I can do better than a bipolar whore and already surpassed her in life and will only continue to increase the gap between our success levels.

About how Im a natty demigod about to hit this pr, or like a future war or something.

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I gotta trust muscle memory to get me through my abysmal counting skills.

Fpbp. Literally all I think about. It's almost like a kind of meditation

>Dont look in the mirror, dont do it

I train to battle the machines in the glorious wars to come.
and the nogs.

based, me too user.

This was 9 years ago for me. I'm now happily married with a 5 year old and she's on meth with a maybe baby last I heard a few years ago. Just keep going bro, it gets sweeter by the day

>we will struggle and we will fight
>and never weaken
>and never tire
>and never lose hope
>and never despair

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God I hope she doesnt end up that bad. As much as she's hurt me I still love her. Only just lost her last week. And even months from now I can't imagine wishing pain on her. She's just a mentally ill idiot who didnt know how good she had it. But anger does help me cope sometimes.
Glad things worked out for you though brah.

Just anti-Semitic things

B!!!..... B!!!!!..... C!!!!!!!!

When I'm doing reps to exaustion, I just pray The Lord's Prayer and Hail Marys very fast. It keeps my mind busy, otherwise I pay too much attention to my body, doubt myself, and end up not giving my all

How my muscles are slowly tearing and all the ATP I'm using up

>bipolar whore
>still love her

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Whatever works bro

>4 scoops come on let's get big

First gf since high school and the only girl I've ever slept with. Also had a real great personality, honestly. Though she acted up a lot (wasnt on meds or even in therapy for her mental issues.) I know I deserve better but there's no denying I've bonded with her quite a bit.
Pls no bulli user.

>Not 5 scoops