Is this what /makingit/ feels like?

Is this what /makingit/ feels like?

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no. you have to lose your virginity first

OP here
I’m black

im also trans btw if that matters

post her photo and yours. she looks hot user

Op here, I’m bisexual if that matters. Go Ravens!


Run while you can, mate

Nicely done hunk. If theyre into your body theyre often down for more.

Checked Op is faggot

>tinder user
might still make it one day, but not quite there at the moment

no because women think tiny twinks look amazing. /makingit/ is when another advanced lifter says you look big or strong.

i? ayuppppppppp and then i show hered my trash pile/garbage pile and she blocks me ayuuup

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No, she's objectifying you.
never lose your virginity, it's sacred
literally who isn't at this point

post boddy or ban

Based strokeposter


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>92 missed messages
This board truly has been visited by Chad Thundercock himself

post body

Oh god yes

Please show us what you look like.

Nah bro, this is what making it feels like. I feel like an absolute Chad FUUAAAAAAAAAARK

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I'm just going to assume you asked that miss from a shithole country to peg you.

You are still tripfagging this hard? I think id rather have based boomer around than your shitposts.


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lay off the stims bro, it was just an hour of calisthenics

>hes not already married in a loving relationship
>he thanks talking to whores on a hookup app is making it

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Even tho I don't like it, Spain isn't a shithole. Get someone to translate it bro, true Chad moment

For you? Maybe. For me? Hearing my son running down the hall to give me a hug when I get home from work, my wife in the kitchen and my daughter making baby noises in her chair.
Everyone's path is different King, we'll done on achieving your destiny.

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Holy shit, its so easy for chads reeeeeee

I hate myself so fucking much, it's insane.

Wtf mirin' hard