/FPH/ LARP Fatty Cringe

welcome to the jungle


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why is this so insufferable

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why do women love humiliating themselves

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This is sad they were so hot once

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ouch, bodyfat really matters huh

Attractiveness is temporary.

Beauty is forever.

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Well, it looks like they got fun and games

Yeah and fatties have neither. What's your point?

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Thought this image wasn't real of the weight gain but after going to their channel holy fuck what happened+

Obnoxious druggie skellies are hot to you?

V for Voracious

I don't discriminate until they cant even see their own feet anymore

MacDonalds, not even once

Haven't touched that shit or coke in years

The "chad techbloat vs vrirgin skeleton" pic is rather nice

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Is that really a surprising trajectory to you?

>holy fuck what happened
stoner women with no goals in life

Degenerate drug use. You think people like this actually care what they look like.

old macdonalds had a farm
and on that farm he had a hog
with a PFBLTTPFBLTT there and a SNIFF SNIFF there

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t. drug user

Why do women make up fake numbers to feel better about themselves? Why is size 000 a thing? Just measure your clothes in inches like a normal person and stop deluding yourself.

>didnt use the collage user made last thread

I wish clothing companies would do this. It would make buying clothes online way easier instead of having to gamble on "well im usually a size 6 in this brand"

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Fatties like to buy the smaller size that fit, why buy that brands 8 when im 4 in that.
Think to themselves how much weight they must have lost then go eat bulk burgers to celebrate

This is sad.