How does Zig Forums justify lifting when guns exist?

How does Zig Forums justify lifting when guns exist?

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For health

I like how it makes me look and feel, and someday I want to be an example for my sons. I carry a gun for self defense, and everyone who is serious about staying safe should too.

Because I can lift and still carry a gun? Also I don’t lift to beat people up, if that was my goal I’d be taking martial arts classes. What a stupid thread.

>How does /k/ justify guns when Mountain Dew exist?

Guns won't make me less fat.

Why do you think militaries conduct exercise retard.



Besides, speak to any combat vet. They'll tell you the ability to run for an extended period of time is worth more than any body armor in the world.

So I can conceal carry bigger guns.

This, i now conceal carry an m82a1 even since i started lifting.

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I don't lift to kill other people

Because you can't murder people with no consequence but there are no laws against MOGGING

Great thread man, really making a difference out there

Gunfags are cringey fucks


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Because a man who lifts and has a gun beats a man with a gun

because I prefer growing my guns myself

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Your choice on who to be, OP.

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>You can be obese
>you can be asian
How about...

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gun wont build a house for me.

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For respect. Good luck shooting your coworkers though. I will never understand how gunfag idiocy is so prominent. Are humans as a species really this fucking stupid? That they think they can casually shoot anybody they feel like in everyday life? I can't even wrap my head around this level of retardation. It's like you fags are dumber than 5 year old. And there's a fuck load of you.

A gay airshitter? I choose roof korean.

Most lifters take steroids which nullifies any health benefits it may have had

Are you okay?

>Not an XM109
Git gud

No. I'm upset because people are stupid. And I can't do anything about it.

hey man, i have my limits, i haven't lifted that much yet.

>length 120cm
Based lanklet


I dare you to qualify that.

It's going to be okay user, just take a deep breath.

I believe in you, user.

Except this fag:


You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.