Absolute facts
Other urls found in this thread:
My hips really don't like low bar squats. ATG high bar squats have always felt more efficient and stronger for me.
Why are you spamming this? What do you think you are going to accomplish here?
my ankles can't bend far enough to do the left
high bar = faggot tier
low bar = faggot tier
front squat = eldtrich god tier
>“The upright squatter uses an open stance, a "knees-out" ascent/descent and a full ROM. We force the quadriceps to do the all the work. We make squats a leg exercise, not some inferior hybrid/mongoloid technique that spreads the muscular effort between quads/hips/lower back and hamstrings.”
>In comparing the back and front squats, Diggin et al explain that the greater the forward lean during squatting, the greater the trunk moment arm – Mt in the illustration (b) of Figure 4 below from Diggin et al. – and its torque.3 Thus, increasing forward lean increases the shear loading on the lumbar spine. The more upright the torso, the shorter the moment arm, and the less the shear loading of the lumbar spine. Shear loading on the lumbar spine would rank: low bar back squat > high bar back squat > front squat. Therefore, since the low bar back squat results in a greater forward lean than the high bar squat, it also produces a greater shear load on the lumbar spine, and consequently a greater risk of lumbar injury.
Correct form only exists in competition, in training "correct form" depends entirely on what you're trying to accomplish with the rep
Keep coping tiny squat.
have sex
Time is the only thing that matters in fitness at a certain point and arguing about nuances in diet or routine is pointless