>tfw no Zig Forums granny gf
Tfw no Zig Forums granny gf
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tren hard, eat clen anavar give up
The fuck is this
open wound
That's a VAGINA, you bigot!
aside from the placement and the skincolor, that's an amazing piece of work by the surgeon
still fucking disgusting though
if it were amazing you wouldn't be able to tell that it's a neovagina.
Terrlibe picture. Im not opposing it but im not accepting it either.
Is fitness granny a fitness tranny? Or is that pic just unrelated
such amazing “neovaginas” don’t exist tho
It has a semblance of the labia minora and labia majora and it's a very difficult type of tissue to work with. Again, impressive work by the surgeon, this isn't easy
they actually do
For fuck's sake why is this still up? Who's runnin this place?
trannies and fags
Who would want to look at this? Why is this on my computer!?
you are now imagining the smell
You sweet summer chile. pholder.com
>amazing work
I mean, they tried really hard and all, but I still say it's an endeavour they had no business undertaking in the first place. Having the top 1% of these things not look like this is not a good enough compromise. Stop the butchery.
Even if the surgical hole is perfect, it's still stuck to a whole ass man, with a whole ass male asshole, pelvis, browbone, five o'clock shadow, frame, smell etc.
Imagine being someone who has tranny genital surgery pics saved in their drive
Why would you torture yourself
no pain no gains
I wanted this thread to be about fit mature women. Not tranny surgeries.
Not fooling anyone.
honestly what do trannies expect, is there a single example on the internet of a "good" neo-vag?
amazing, you can actually see that the surgeon used the scrotum to fashion those "lips" either side of the wound
>others are posting the neovaginas
My work here is complete.
>If I cut my dick off, I, macho ma'am tranny savage standing at 6ft3 and 280lb, will magically transform into a smol 5ft2 100 lb anime gril!
Look at that thing's head, its physiognomy. Forget about becoming a woman, it's not even human.
why did you destroy my thread. It was supposed to be about fit grannies
>he hates it