Redpill me on the female mindset Zig Forums
Why are women so cruel?
Have sex first, then don’t come back because this isn’t fit related
Women are as cruel as men, but they are sincere about it.
>Be woman
>Asian nerd from class wants to be friends with me
>Why not
>He is a nice guy
>Has feelings for me
>I don't want to ruin our friendship which I enjoyed
>He posts cringe pictures like this
>I try to get the message we're only friends
>he still tries
>Why do men have to be like this.
That dude has no one to blame but himself, if he was open about what he wanted then he wouldn't have fucked himself over. What did you want her to do?
Women have increased activity in the left hemispheres of the brain. This side is associated with dominance and aggression, therefore you're more likely to see sociopathic traits in women. They bore easily and will not hesitate to drop you once their done with you.
Also apparently their testosterone levels increase as they age, so look the fuck out boyos.
They’re not cruel you’re just a simping faggot. ngmi
>Redpill me on the female mindset Zig Forums
“welcome, to the black Philip show. I am not black Phillip.”
cruel but fair.
this is fake...
If he talks to her for even a second longer he is dumb as fuck. You can not be just friends with women.