Personal progress thread

May 15th

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Shalom rabbi, how large is your nigger folder?

To now

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Chest genetics are shit.
Lose weight.
Work on your delts.

Disregard everything except the first one.
Your chest genetics are shit. Gapped chests are ugly.

Rest of body looks great though. Great progress!


Why do you fags assume that there's always agenda behind a black poster? Why can't you accept that some people post on Zig Forums are not white?

Anyways, you're a faggot. If I saw you irl you'd probably be intimidated by me.

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Why are there so many niggers on this board, It’s saddening.

Cry more, whitecels. Absolute pussies lmao.

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Thanks bro. Currently working on getting a more wide and round chest.

Go back


imma call the cops bro just don't steal anything aight

i have a feeling this niglet is going to spend half his life in jail and the other 17 years selling crack on the corner


I have a feeling you've never had sex.

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lol. why did the kid just stand there

Because nigs are naturally lazy. It's in their genes to lie around all day and do nothing, proof literally evident on a global scale.
You're telling me you go out of your way to do something that leads to no instant gratification, while being black? Imao nice try rabbi, not falling for it.

if this is actually u good job but stop being a dumb newfag that goes on reply wars with Zig Forums baiters. ik you're new but you need to learn that the only thing they want is your reaction not being right or wrong.

He relaxed

>Because nigs are naturally lazy. It's in their genes to lie around all day and do nothing, proof literally evident on a global scale.
>You're telling me you go out of your way to do something that leads to no instant gratification, while being black? Imao nice try rabbi, not falling for it.

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10 cents has been deposited into your account rabbi


good job bro, keep it up!

I've been chilling like pic related right now. I'm at a restaurant enjoying my coffee watching this Zig Forums fags argue.

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This may actually be a nigger.

Did your poly drop?
Haha just kidding bro, mirin

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how much you did behind the bars nigger?

Mirin progress. I feel like i didnt do any progress for a year

I see no skin improvements so unfortunately it's still shit.