Post a pic of your gains closet in this thread

Post a pic of your gains closet in this thread

Attached: gains closet.jpg (540x960, 84.59K)


Attached: C1E83202-E034-47DF-B81C-E609457C2336.jpg (258x360, 29.17K)

Do Americans really have a closet just for junk food?

Attached: 1571176456041.jpg (660x574, 30.86K)

Having a tiny room for this garbage...

holy fuck, how disgusting
why are muricans like this?

>not having a gains closet
never gonna make it

Attached: nige windows up.jpg (480x480, 47.69K)

>Living in an apartment

A lot of Americans use their entire kitchen for that because they don't know anything beyond microwaving Tyson chicken nuggets.

What wrong with that?

Is your fridge stocked?