Average male bodies

ITT: we post average male bodies
its important to post average male bodies to see how much we have already achieved

Attached: skinnyfat.jpg (480x489, 40.64K)

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he looks fine, the average is more weird

>comparing yourself to the average male

no, do it

I've gained 8 kilos and finally leaving skellymode

Attached: FLEX YOUR MUSCLES.jpg (480x360, 10.49K)

average body is 300lbs now

forgot link

Attached: bojinkata.jpg (768x432, 306.41K)

>average male bodies
i wish, he's kinda hot

i dont care post average male body

not average
post more average body

Attached: 90EA6ED4-BCC2-4A6C-8717-E1A854A4F988.jpg (640x960, 50.54K)

both well above average, especially the first one

Average man on tinder

Attached: EF8A6DD9-AB82-4F56-91C0-3E194BF01B74.jpg (620x400, 134.08K)

Nice eyebrows

thanks user
post more average male body now

Attached: 1550294207597.jpg (256x386, 32.32K)

Attached: 1572721675728.png (939x771, 909.94K)

Attached: americans.jpg (560x529, 123.4K)

Tfw I have a twin who doesnt exercise and is about 60kg that I can compare my gains to.
Pretty kino

please never do this

Is that the guy who did the divorce selfie?

is that honestly average nowadays? I would imagine the average man today is fatter, sadly.

Being a skinhead and letting yourself look like this is just disgraceful, if you’re gonna talk about white supremacy at least try to look like the superior race

hes doing the soi face

Me on the right

that is way way better than the average

Average bbc baby

Attached: jacked-1.jpg (746x947, 76.81K)

Attached: 1369098230653.jpg (958x660, 188.4K)

Ajdee bratmee hahahah

Listen to this guy user. Comparing yourself to lower forms is just to make yourself feel better. Compare yourself to those you genuinely admire and respect. Ffs stop acting like a girl

that fucking stomachDick

no stop saying that's of average size. please be a troll.

Based, we should look up to the greatest men, not a the “average” faggot

>comparing yourself to people you respect
No. Use them as a guide, but don't compare yourself. Compare yourself with yourself. Are you better than you were yesterday? Tomorrow, will you be better than you are today? What steps are you taking towards that? We can never be perfect, and not everyone can be Rippetoe, Scooby or Zyzz, but anyone and everyone can choose to change, to be better than they were before.