/OWG/ Olympic weightlifting general

How’s training been guys ?

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First for good fucking luck to this thread
Hope it's still up when I wake up

What year is this?

nice I can get out of /plg/. it's easy to increase squat and deadlift but oly is so hard. my mobility is still shit but at least I can sorta full snatch now. does anyone else here actually do oly? post webms

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had to stop training oly for 7+ months to rehab my tendonitis but im slowly getting back into it by doing some lifts once a week. Feels p good with all the strength i gained by finally using my upper body kek. although i felt as if i needed to relearn everything in the first week back .

I thought you said you weren't allowed to drop weights at your current gym. Or did you go elsewhere?

>can get out of /plg/.
and never come back
obviously a different gym

Attached: Gollum.jpg (640x360, 37.85K)

Different kinda shitty gym I only go to for oly sometimes.

> oly


I’ve been using a pvc pipe with dumbells suspended under as a makeshift fat grip bar, and it snapped while I was squatting. Pissed that I couldn’t finish my exercises

Idk if you guy remember me or not, I have a 258 total now. Just hit a 190kg front squat PR.

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Everytime I do Frontsquats I feel a sharp pain on my lower right abdomen. Is my back just fucked up? Wat do?
Also, I squat barefeet.

Nobody here could give you a definitive answer without seeing your squat

You guys think this will get funded ?

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I finally got back to a gym to do some oly lifts as of two weeks ago. Started light, not doing anywhere near max...or even 80% for that matter. My fifth time going, I snatched 135lb pretty easily. I'm doing power snatches, though.
I'm not in any rush to hurt myself so I'll increase ever-so-slightly each week.



YES /owg/ is back
Using corona to gymcell max to hopefully a 100kg snatch, and 120kg cnj, and I've really been enjoying training these past couple of weeks. Keep up the training brothers

100 snatch


>bw 82 kg
>Snatch 60 kg 1RM
>Clean 80 kg 1RM
>Back Squat 102.5 kg 5RM
How do I get better? Thinking of starting Texas Method for squats. Can I do the classic lifts every day since my technique is probably pretty bad?

Get a coach


How old is that?



Don't see any problems here, you just seem overall pretty weak. Keep training

Can I get a quick rundown on what happened to Ilya?

Caught for roids
Got injured
Wife left him

honestly doubt, it would be nice, but I don't know if the market is big enough.

>would be nice
it's a normie movie pretending that not everyone does steroids

Mama mia! Things went downhill rather quickly...

I weightlifted with competing in weightlifitng as the main goal for two years now, but my yob requires me to have nmore endurance so I think I want to change my training up from focusing only on getting my total up to geting a better general fitness( I know this sounds like Crossfit) so I want to know what you think about my general idea for training:

Training Weightlifting on Mon/Wed/Fri:
- Snatch for 5x3 as a starting point at about 60%
- C&J for 5x3 as a starting point at about 60%
- Pulls for 3x6 at 105% of the classics of the day varying between snatch and clean pull
- Squats for 3x8 at a comfortable percantage, not entierly sure probably goign to figure it out by feel
- Pullups for 3x10
- Dips for 3x15

It's just a general starting point for my first week of training in a 5 week cycle this way, I'm not sure if I can do more volume without compensating form so thats where I orientated myself for the rep scheme.
Important note: this is just the first week planned and I also go running on the other days of the week except for sunday

So could you give me tips on what to change up/do better?

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that's a good snatch desu
