Facial Attractiveness Thread

Here, we share tips to maximize facial attractiveness

Attached: EdIArFPVcAI2g0i.jpg (1024x680, 86.86K)

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its all in the mouth

My peak face aesthetic is when I was working outside a lot and doing a lot of manual labor. I got lean but also strong and my increased testosterone must have somehow made my face look manlier. Girls were all over me until I lost my job and now I look like shit. So in short Vitamin D + lifting + low body fat.

I removed my braces and my dentist gave me this thing to put on my upper theeths when i sleep

But he gaved me this, one month ago and i havent put it even for one night

Attached: 20200720_020252(0).jpg (3264x2448, 2.97M)

Define a more High T face
what changed ? the brows ? the jaw ?

Your face didn't change, you just got a tan and the testosterone made you more confident

Attached: 123123.jpg (1280x720, 108.96K)

having high t changes your face
get on semen retention for 4 months
take picture of face at beggining and at 4 months

your bones change

These look the same to me

enjoy getting braces again