This is the result of me lifting heavy eating no protein and grass shakes. I paid 220 for this fucking vegan program, it will take a year to look like I lift again. Kill me

Attached: IMG_20200530_163710.jpg (1623x2337, 1.58M)

>lifting heavy

No shit. You realize saturated fat is the catalyst for producing testosterone right?
Eating a healthy serving of vegetables is really great. Going vegan is retarded.

>This is the result of me lifting heavy
>lifting heavy
>lifting heavy
Do i need to say it?
>eating no protein and grass shakes
Did you expect the rippling muscles of alex jones for this genius workout/diet plan

>no protein
>grass shakes

So beans and pea protein isolate don't exist? Shit idea to go vegan to begin with but you're even more retarded for paying money for a program and diet. Grow up.

no diet will fix whatever fucking being you are

It’s okay OP I used to look like you. Here was me in August 2019.

Attached: 21D397D7-7868-4ABB-9C14-972890C5C58C.jpg (720x1280, 77.07K)

And here’s me as of July 2020

We’re all gonna make it brah.

Attached: 6BB9FF28-B51A-4237-B578-B00C89399E05.jpg (1122x1340, 199.08K)

>he has to turn to hide his wide hips
kek nice instagram angle

Thanks bruh lmao. I’m working lats and delts hard but shit sucks.

Attached: 53CC645F-80D3-4A57-943A-5C793087644C.jpg (1122x1493, 374.08K)

actually it doesn't look bad. You've developed shoulders enough for your slightly wide hips

you see failure
i see potential

Why are u stupid

If you look like that then I don't think you ever looked like you lifted. But I know this is bait and the pic isn't OP so I'm dumb for replying.


You just have bad genetics brah, eating dead animals won't fix that

Attached: 8E0D1F6A-DEA5-4433-A4F8-DD4FD4B55243.jpg (750x737, 176.41K)

you are neither of them moron

gtfo you evil cuck stop spreadig self suicidal ideologies faggot nigger

This is the 10th time you post this garbage, please die

pls routine

Whats the nutrient content of cum?
Lets say you rob sperm donation clinic, could you get big on only cum diet?


Attached: LeOPisHomosexual.jpg (734x877, 101.71K)

>That body
>Lifting Heavy
>lifting heavy

It's bait

wasnt he legit shorter than jeff nippard?

Op built like a daddy long leg

Well done, wish I took a before photo but don't think I'd ever photographed myself ever until last week

Bait, I saw pic related in a skinny fat meme post some tima ago

He's not skinny fat. Just Thin
Don't be a smooth brain

You paid 220 just to look like me lol damn bro

You're doing good work bro keep it up.