Why even lift, brehs?

Why even lift, brehs?

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>listening to what women say

fpbp and checked

are you dating the woman in the picture? no? okay who cares then?

Notice how she says “I’ll feel good”. Does this mean it will make her feel better about herself?

Attached: 341A0DD1-B95F-403E-9DDF-6440E13F1590.jpg (1151x1563, 1.29M)

She looks like shes missing a few brain cells anyways, also
>lifting for women
Please fuck off

>hurr he soft it good
Get standards you retard


Are these stills all coincidentally taken right when she's mid blinking or is she always like that?

to fuck better looking women

She's fantasizing about her future lover's soft belly

This. Especially asian women like fucking yuck dude.

She is a 3/10 what else should she say kek

My jap gf asked me to flex my cep for her to touch and she said it was so hard. Felt really good bros, she ever rarely says anything about my lifting path.

notice she said it would make her feel good and not that she likes how it looks? Insecure bitches dont wanna be help accountable for their lazy habits

>>listening to what women say

Attached: 1592530958844.png (509x423, 109.33K)

She can only touch guys because she obviously can't see them.

If you're going to listen to women at least listen to a pretty one

Women don't say what they really want

Maybe not to YOU

i think i prefer a woman who can open her eyes

She looks like Ezra Miller taking a massive shit. Don't think I care what she wants.

Is she native japanese or westernized japanese?

dumb bitches always think muscular men are made of sheet metal or something

westernized but not mixed, I am mixed tho.


Why the fuck do I care what Yoko thinks? She can keep on making shitty music and I'll keep on being jacked and getting mires from literally every human on the planet despite what they say.

this is why we dont lift for women fellas



>women know what they want