>Where does our preference for thinness really come from?
>As Sabrina Strings explains in her book, Fearing the Black Body, the answer is much more complicated than health or aesthetics. She argues that the origins of modern-day fat phobia can be traced all the way back to slavery and that Black people are still dealing with the consequences.
>Fat Phobia And Its Racist Past And Present
Other urls found in this thread:
>fearing the black body
why would anyone
why wouldn't we? Never relax.
Why even torture yourself with reading this shit?
post thicc nubian queens
>whites only like thinness because they racist
>actually, for most of history, Rubenesque women were considered the most beautiful
Pick exactly ONE, you history rewriting libtards.
Obesity isn't good but being thicc is good
Reminder if you wanna fuck a skinny girl you're a pedo who wants to fuck prepubescent boys.
The elites push the supermodel physique because it substitutes for their pedophilic tendencies
Hot women have titties and ass and a little chub
Also, fuck NPR.
What the fuck I love racism now