Why do evil people like boogie get to have a full head of hair at 46?

Why do evil people like boogie get to have a full head of hair at 46?

Attached: bogeeeeee.png (1092x767, 1.47M)

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low test

only high test. chads can pull of the bald look

There are a surprising amount of middle aged fat dudes with perfect hairlines, i guess life finds a way of balancing it out by making them fatasses.

He's just lucky. He's still fucked tho.

Gomad + SS

>There are a surprising amount of middle aged fat dudes with perfect hairlines
boogie isn't fat anymore he has lost most of the weight

>Lost 150 of the 500 lbs
>Most of the weight


Explain to me how he's evil?

Seethe. Boogie made it and you’re still benching 135

Unironically. Even if you've bald genes, being low t and dht will slow the process immensely, this is mostly how fin/duta works.

fin/duta + low test = hair for life.

>Boogie made it
medium quality bait

Attached: u.jpg (773x93, 22.1K)

>60% bodyfat
>made it

Attached: 1593516644620.jpg (669x669, 36.99K)

retard here. What's dht?

Go away zoomer.

>boogie isn't fat anymore he has lost most of the weight
Last I saw he'd put most of the weight back on.



mean. Everyone starts somewhere

Go cry somewhere else Faggot

Low self motivation + pity whoring

really what do you have against young people? Sincere question

Wrong. He only weighs about 350 now.

What would you guys pick

>Really bad hairline/Balding

>Small Phallus

The former, by far.
t. very big pp

massive fucking cope lmao

Attached: soi.png (400x400, 228.42K)



Dubs and he dies.

hormone that gets converted to test, some people don't convert is properly and high dht kills hair roots, coping balds try to pretend it's high test that kills their hair but it is exactly the opposite

let's try again