Why do i get so veiny when i overeat?
Why do i get so veiny when i overeat?
Have you been tested for diseases or parasites?
bruh ET lookin ass HAHAHA
Neither of those will give you prominent veins retard. It's from having good circulation, something you'd have if you got off your ass.
No, why?
Shut the fuck up zoomer go back to your online classes you spastic fuck
If you're eating more, make sure you're drinking more water.
The fuck are you talking about
I think he is refering to the guy in pics belly
And? He looks normal.
Why do I feel you consider a 500 calorie meal as overeating?
cute bellybutton post more
Too many roids.
???? user are you okay
And this is a normal foot, right? Retard.
how are you so lean but have no well defined abs? And the belly button is an anus
why do you hold your phone like that
also you should visit a doctor you unironically look like a drowned corpse
Im not hating or nothing, im genuinely concerned
Its your body carrying around all the glucose and sodium you just dumped into it, figuring out where the fuck its meant to go.
1. wtf is that shirt
2. you looks like you have a low body fat% , but no defined abs. wtf.
3. that belly button my lord
4. its called blood circulation.. everybody got them . yours are just more apparent.
5. wtf is that shirt.
1) Boogaloo uniform
2) Read the thread, hes eaten a big meal and his stomach is pushed out
3) Bellybutton lookism, really hitting new lows here
4) read the thread he asked WHY his are more apparent when he eats
5) Boogaloo uniform
WTF bro ahahahha you look very weird
Looks like when in an anime some strange and malevolent force is trying to enter your body and youre trying to resist but deep down you know you wont be able to hold it out for much longer.
is your body doing the homo mating call, it means you need to mate with a male who has the most veiny cock
Dude try talking with a doctor, this looks like a cardiovascular problem
You have the same distended gut as lenny
This is how normal feet look like. There's barely any fat there. If you weren't morbidly obese ameritard wou would know that.
hehe, bruh, you look like a penis
Have you been tested for being a ninja turtle?
no it is not right, can see fungus on toenails
this is basic biology, when you overeat your body generates a lot of heat because of all the food it is digesting, heat has to be disposed of and bloodvessels dialate to give heat away more efficiently
you look like you're about to explode
That is not a normal foot, it doesn't have the classic arch by the achilles tendon. It's just flat and flatout mutant tier.
>roiding for this
The sodium in the food you eat essentially sucks all the "water weight" in your body from underneath your skin, to somewhere else, I assume your digestive track? I'm not sure.
Pretty much, the water under your skin that you naturally carry, which also covers muscular & vascular definition, is removed from under your skin, thus showing more vascularity and muscular definition.
Yeah pussy. Mine are like that most of the time. Take a break from the internet and you might get veiny feet breh.