How do I train to kill a polar bear unarmed? I'm 6'4 260lbs right now. Being completely serious here...

How do I train to kill a polar bear unarmed? I'm 6'4 260lbs right now. Being completely serious here, plan to fight one on video.

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jerk it off to death

Shut the fuck up cuck.

You realize even if you got a team of the world's strongest men together that polar bear would still fuck them up effortlessly? You don't stand a chance.

You think you're better than me?

start supplementing kevlar and grow some serious bodyarmour

Can't wait to see that polar bear un-arm you.

Start off with a smaller bear and progressively increase your bear size until you get to polar bear territory.

Or just read the fucking sticky

BJJ. Take a few lessons and he wont stand a chance

Hit it as hard as possible in the head and try to give it a concussion. Train for strength not speed. You may be able to fight a grizzly, but a polar is near impossible.

It's the only way.

Attached: Bear.gif (444x250, 3.94M)

Based, keep us posted

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Where is the full video

user wants to fight a polar bear, not have a sex change retard.

You need to be at least 10 feet tall.

buy a big gun and practice shooting with it

this, learn aikido.

Eh you're not missing much beyond Russian swearing and bear going MUUUUH:

6'4 and 260lbs means nothing to a 3 meter long 992lb average male polar bear.

Attached: bear.jpg (600x500, 41.52K)

Nobody on this earth right now can do that even if given 1000 tries each.
You would need to make a test-tube baby with the DNA of Eddie Hall, Halthor, and Brian Shaw. Then hop them up on growth hormones/steroids since childhood, to AT LEAST reach a height of 8'0.
Then pin test and tren up the fucking ass and learn how to kick. They would have ONE chance to knock the polar bear out with the force of a 600+lbs guy throwing a full force kick. If that first strike doesnt work he's fucked.

bruv do you think a child would ever be able to kill you? because that's literally the same dynamic. vs the polar bear, you are the child.

Progressive overbear

Forgot to mention the kick should be aimed for either the bears temples or the bears chin

also grow some teeth or claws which actually can damage a polar bear. or some other form of weapon

Oy vey. That’s how my grandfather died in Auschwitz.

>polar bear unarmed? I'm 6'4 260lbs
Nigga, what makes you think you even have a chance? You're up against a creatures that's on AVERAGE 10 foot tall and weighs more than half a ton. And you want to take this beast that has natural knives on its hands and a bite force of over 1000 pounds with its razor sharp teeth unarmed? You're not going to win even against the short end of their species. Forget about considering fighting their biggest, which was recorded to over 11 feet and over 2000 pounds (more than a ton).

>Nobody on this earth right now can do that even if given 1000 tries each

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Bloat & Basedpilled

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This is fucking disgusting. I hope you're ashamed for posting this.