It's impossible to be both Zig Forums and /fa/shionab-

>It's impossible to be both Zig Forums and /fa/shionab-

Attached: sexcore.jpg (1080x1350, 269.46K)

>tatoos and skinny jeans
>having style
pick one

>bottom of the tie
>ripped jeans
>jeans with a tie
>hand tattoos
>boots combined with all of the above

Attached: 10.jpg (1000x700, 55.04K)

Look at these phaggots...

No one said that you stupid fuck

sexcore is for faggots unironically

those skinny jeans look like shit

Yes you can, just don't dress like a faggot like these two clowns

these guys look really low class desu


Attached: 1595317926295.png (529x637, 374.34K)

they dress like shit tho

Imagine unironically dressing like this IRL



That looks so bad Im cringing

retarded looking Yu-Gi-Oh tattooes......

Attached: yu gi oh.jpg (1280x720, 220.37K)

Satan: Hahahahahah
Jesus: Why do you laugh, prince of darkness...
Satan: This is your child?!
Jesus: Why yes... To prove it, my child will NOT comment in this thread
Satan: Prove it then hahaha *sips from cup made of BONES* and my child WILL respond to this thread
Jesus: I trust my child will do right

Attached: dont-mind-me-im-just-cleaning-off-your-screen-because-31628661.png (500x472, 73.53K)

Attached: tellthattothecovenant.png (1920x1080, 1.43M)

Bait thread, pretty lazy but got enough people to bite I guess...

I dress for SEX

You know, they say they're ready for SEX, but I cant imagine it being easy to take off these clothes

SEXcore general

Sex core is laughable.

this thread is now /sexcore/

Attached: i hav secs wbu.jpg (824x550, 278.35K)

holy fuck wtf

Business at the top, party at the bottom?

Jeans with a tie ain't necessarily a bad thing

Attached: 1796762_Lookbook+27.jpg (636x960, 232.32K)

I am consistently amazed at the inherent ugliness of rich europeans. You truly cannot buy taste.

Wow an over edited photo of two manlets taken at a low angle to give the impression that they arent short and small. Sick boots though.

that guy looks bad

it is with a vest and those rolled up sleeves and dyel arms
guy looks like a high school band member

>Business at the top
>ripped jeans
What do you do for a living, user?

>This entire thread

Attached: 1595055328909.gif (320x240, 2.87M)

>not the button up shirt&tie
>not even the hair
>top has to be the pants

Well, that's just like uh your opinion, man