Let’s go
>Political retards arguing in 1,2,3......
there's already one in the catalog you stupid fat faggot
>Making fun of people who are constantly fighting the urges created by their irresponsible shitty parents
I thought we were supportive here, many who come to this board start as fat
If you are above 15 you are old enough to know you are unhealthy so you should be held responsible. If you are fat and below 15 then your parents should go to jail.
>I thought we were supportive here
you thought wrong. if you can't exert the minimal effort required not to lift an unnecessary cheeseburger toward your face, you lack the discipline to lift
Lmao at you fatty newfag, we may support them to LOSE weight, but we also make fun of them for being fat and dumb
500 g of oatmeal costs 40 cents lol
>just eat nothing but oatmeal!!! it's this easy!!!
fuck off. A healthy diet is too expensive for most people.
Based architect doctor
>Cliche Tumblr art style
Worse than the message itself
>healthy is expensive
Fuck off. This is the worst cope ever. It's cheaper to eat healthy. It just requires actually fucking using that alien device sitting in your kitchen.
>oh no! It's totally not my fault I'm such an irresponsible creature!
>saying nobody is talking about the health risks of smoking, alcohol and drugs
Caffeine-addiction is still a blindspot for normies, but to say that everybody is a-ok with the others is just retarded
just because your parents abused you doesn't mean it's excusable to continue the abuse. You know it's bad so just take the fatshaming with pride. When we look back it'll be a bad nightmare (or funny joke)
disprove this
healthy salad costs seven times more than unhealthy, filling burger
>oh why am I so skinny? Calories in = calories out you fat pig now get the fuck outta my hospital
Rice, eggs, beans, frozen veggies, and oats. Add canned tuna and canned chicken on days that you lift. Healthy and cheap. I ate this way in college and was able to live off of 2$ a day and still gained 15lbs (might've been noob gains tho).
You eat out because you are a lazy shit who can't figure out meal prep.
Wendy's 5 for 5 is actually based though, it's really not that much food either I doubt these hamplanets are actually sustained by it alone
>Yeah, it's not like there are genetical differences forcing some to avoid up to 400kcals a day for the same weight loss results.
make it 12 tho.
That burger doesn't cost 1$
>just 2$ a day
This is what I'm talking about. You rich folks may live with this much money but I cannot spend over 60 dollars a month just on food.
>You rich folks may live with this much money but I cannot spend over 60 dollars a month just on food.
Are you etiopian or something?
That Salad is literally like 20 cents worth of croutons, ice berg lettuce and cherry tomatoes.
Like if you can't honestly pull apart the lettuce and throw all that shit in the bowl yourself... if this is such an insurmountable task that you have to pay some pimply teenager to do it for you- you have some pretty serious fucking problems.
just poor
You're a fucking moron. That burger is more than $1 and the salad is substantially less than $7. Learn to cook you fat retard.
this is right tho. Very restrictive diets don't work long term because of the reasons listed in the comic. You need to permanently change your eating habits and eat a normal amount of food instead of doing some meme diet
but when you are making your own food you have to count your labor costs as well
even at minimum wage 1 hour of making salad will lead to higher costs in the end than just buying the already prepared food
You think normal people have 20¢ to piss away on a salad? Can't believe you people
>dick Parkinson's
Are you serious?
Oatmeal, fruit, vegetables, and chicken are all cheap as fuck. Anyone who says a healthy diet is expensive hasn't tried to eat well while on a strict budget. Frozen bags of meat and vegetables are dirt cheap.
I was making $9/hr. As an EMT with a wife, new baby, and rent to pay. Went to kroger, aldi, and meijer, ate some good shit. A bag of frozen vegetables with part of a bag of frozen chicken would feed my wife and I dinner, probably for less than $5. We ate oats with some froze fruit in the morning, with honey and cinnamon if we wanted.
We had a crock pot and I would put a bag of frozen chicken and a can of salsa in it, with taco seasoning for taste. Meal prep for ~3/4 days to have lunch for the both of us. Big ass bag of rice is also cheap. Put those together (with frozen vegetables, if you want more) and you have good food.
I know everyone posts that eating healthy is cheap or expensive, but there's some examples of cheap meals, at least. It's not fucking hard.
All these fatties think you have to have some delicious, 8-step recipe with 30 ingredients to eat healthy. This isnt the case. Keep it simple.
Can anyone tell me if there is a meaningful argument hidden in all of that cope?