A girl sucked on my peewee last friday, why the fuck is it red like this? Did she give me anything?

A girl sucked on my peewee last friday, why the fuck is it red like this? Did she give me anything?

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go to the doctor, what are you trying to find here? You know the answer


enjoy going to the doctor and getting a q-tip shoved up your dick

Congrats you have an std

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lmao women really? imagine sucking that deformed weenie also wtf is wronf with you go to doctor

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>thats the kind of people that browses /fit

Penis AIDS
World's closed due to penis AIDS

>uncut fags will defend this

H-h-hey it looks great when im hard!!

Looks like she was rough with you

your weenie just looks ugly, maybe its me because aint a faggot and just find dicks repulsive, nex time get your dick sucked by not a whore and dont ask health questions in some anime forum

congrats, you won the irish luck...you have a shitty dick and now with herpes

She was veeeeery rough, i had to stop her several times. That might be it, or at least i really hope so because she isnt a slut. Only been with a few guys (i know that is what a hoe would say but i know this girl since long time)


lol yup. Go get some antibiotics and text that bitch this picture lmao. Tell her to use some Listerine before next time

Holy shit I have nearly the exact same thing except not near the tip. Just a red blotch on the meatus in an almost perfect circle. What is it does anyone know? It comes and goes but does not hurt or itch at all.

>aint a faggot and just find dicks repulsive
The lady doth protest too much, methinks

This part worries me user. Is this a little scab? If so it might actually be good news - just that the whole site is a bit tender since. It's a very delicate area.

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ringworm most likely. get some antifungal cream

>he fell for the roastie meme
get a LOAD of this fag

I hope you're a grower user.

Anyhow, see a doctor. You likely have some sti that can be treated with antibiotics, but get on that before the infection causes any permanent harm.

Also, congrats, if a girl sucked on your penis you are doing better than 99% of this site

I put antifungal cream and antifungal powder on it all week. I have a feeling it was good at the start (i.e. there was a bit of a fungal infection) but the powder was drying it out. I stopped using the powder then stopped using the cream after it stopped improving because I thought then it was balanitis but I keep him fairly clean and it doesn't exactly match up with the pics.

Not sure what to do. I am just putting a tiny bit of silcocks base on it and keeping an eye on it for now. There is no pain and it's not getting much worse so I'm not terribly worried for now, but anything dick related is kind of frightening.

I had that one since 2017. It came, itched a bit, no discharge, went to see urologist and venereologist, bot have taken swabs that let my peehole in horrible pain for a week, urine samples, blood samples for complete screening. Nothing came back positive, since I am a doc I suspected chlamydial inf as the first cause, if not it would probably be ureaplasm or mycoplasm. All tests tho turned in negative, so they let me go without treatment, stuff went away with some local antibitoics and hygiene I guess.
Since then every now and then, surroundings of my urethra gets redish and itchy for some days and almost every time after a fap (its less serious than that). Since then I retaken tests 3 times and went to various urologists but no-one has a clue and I dont have any other symptoms and I also prescribed systemic antibiotics for myself if it in fact were chlamydias but it didnt have effect. tho one of urologist suggested it might be pre-cancerous lession and only way to 'treat' it would be circumcission.
It is somewhat okay this year so far tho.


damn looks like HIV brah probably got 3 years till you dead good luck have fun

See a doctor. You might need and antibiotic or a prescription anti-fungal for the specific dick bug you have.

I don't believe

Can't afford it! I will if it gets worse

>why the fuck is it red like this
it's ashamed

Haha smol benis

Dude you have a mental conversion it sounds like


Phoneposting is pain

Looks kind of like thrush. Like if you dont wash your dick for a few days, but you said you washed it so.... Definitely go to a doctor

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I Believe she was just very rough, i have always had a tight foreskin which used to make blowjobs and sex somewhat uncomfortable before, i remember her sucking until i had pain which i dont usually get nowdays also When we were Fucking i slid out a couple of times with her crushing my dick. (Also im a grower just for you guys to not have to pity me)

Answer this one OP. Check if that is a scab.

>it might be pre-cancerous lession and only way to 'treat' it would be circumcission.

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basically what I thought