Female barber called me very cute, exotic, and look like a movie star

>female barber called me very cute, exotic, and look like a movie star

>tell her thank you

>she says it was just a compliment and she not flirting

I dont understand women. Was she mirin or just being weird?

Attached: 1595458876772.png (839x768, 399.39K)

dude hoyl shti just say something witty and playful like "oh yeah sure you're not" or something that proves ur not a complete autist instead of running home and posting about it on a uyghur fish tackle analysis board

You weirded her out. You should’ve told a joke or something.

>she says it was just a compliment and she not flirting
funny, this is something one is flirting would say

>wow user, you look really good with all that scraggly hair cleaned up (yes yes make him leave with confidence so he thinks this mediocre crew cut makes him hott, he’ll keep giving me money and he’ll think I did a good job for something so simple).
>why, you could even be like one of those little highschool is coal movie stars!
>o-oh yeah s-sure you’re not, babe

You replied like autistic robot so she walked back her comment.

Sounds like she spilled spaghetti when you didn’t flirt back

Every time I get my haircut the barbresses comment on how thick and luscious my hair is (imagine hector from Troy but darker) and they always want to swap hair with me which I reply with “you can keep what you cut off as long as you use it for good” It weirds them out so they stop making smalltalk

>woman working at a place that values/rely on return costumers says nice things to person she’s servicing

Do you think the cashiers are in love with you when they smile and wish you a good day? Do you think you’re good at sex when a prostitute tells you you are?

you retard of course she was flirting, but women aren't going to be like "by the way that was a flirt. I am flirting." because they're not fucking autistic, generally.

She said it was just a compliment so she doesn't seem like a slut but that was your in right there. Literally any non-autistic response would've sufficed. You could've just said a slightly drawn out "ok" with a slightly higher pitch at the end (like you didn't believe her) with a cheeky half-smile and then taken the conversation from there

I can't believe you people

I think woman are incredibly autistic. Whenever I see something a woman says on here I can't help but think it's a larp by some guy because of how weird it would be to hear somebody say that in real life.