This is unironically my goal body, how do I achieve this? I’ve already been lifting for a year. I’m 5 foot 10...

This is unironically my goal body, how do I achieve this? I’ve already been lifting for a year. I’m 5 foot 10, how heavy do you think I’d have to be?

Attached: AE953032-9820-4FF4-8FDA-0319C4CB70D5.jpg (400x432, 29.61K)

Lift more. Eat more. Done.

Post body

Post current body.

Why would you want to be fat lol

chicks love that bod.

You’ve got problems if you think that’s fat you faggot

Did you take this from the Connor thread

He's got love handles. Why is this your goal?

>chicks love that bod.
>he cares about what women think lol

No i was on grindr trying to find a man and this hunk came up

he is fat
spilling out over his shorts
zero core definition
fat in the arms

Not op

I also want this body,

my current stats are:
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 138lbs

What do I need to eat, how do I need to train, to become like the OP picture.

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200+ lbs im also 5 foot 10 and aspire to look close to that physique and am not there yet. Im 200.5 lbs as of this morning

Eat big

Just dirty bulk for like 8 months if you're smaller than this. Then just don't cut. Bam. At 5'10" this is probably like 180-190lbs? I'm 6'3" and was about here after my first bulk weighing around 220.

Gain 70lbs

100% op, do i have to post the picture of his cock in my mouth to prove it ?

how? food is too expensive.

then fuck off.

>tfw if i lose 20 more pounds (already lost 40) i'll look like this

how would this help?

Decent looking body, mostly because he has excellent fat storage genetics. Most people with that amount of muscle mass at that high of a bf% will look sloppy. Also at that bf% you're face will look pretty chubby and not as good as it would at 13%. That being said if you dont care about how you look, it looks easy to maintain diet wise as long as you consistently lift heavy.

>food is too expensive
fucking dirty bulk if you're that desperate

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If he doesn't care what women thinks and likes the body type then why do you give a fuck faggot

Like 230

I am so fucking close to looking like this but with better core definition
How I did it? My two main exercises are bench and OHP
I also just whatever I want all day lol

eat like shit and lift twice a week

just eat**

GOMAD then focus on maximizing hypertrophy on upper body lifts forever after 4-6 months of GSLP.


you're one hell of an optimist

Don't let that pic decieve you, hes actually pretty jacked, those arms are probably 17 inches, I was 210 lbs at 5'10 and had less bodyfat than that and was not as big, probably looking at in between 220 and 240, wouldnt be surprised if he could bench 3 pl8s

Post body twink if you really think you can look like that by lifting twice a week.

Girls love it, you don't feel like shit, you get more cheat meals, no strength sacrificed, better cardio.

What's wrong?