he made it. 40 fucking days without a single calorie. Zig Forums has been btfod for eternity. he has ascended. extended fasting is confirmed as viable.
Zig Forums btfo'd
>extended fasting is confirmed as viable.
yeah bro not like we already had multiple accounts of extended fasts recorded troughout history
The only thing he btfo'd is his stomach and brains. Watch him go sick in a couple of days.
How do you go from Chad to incel?
there may be a small adjustment period, but he'll be back to normal soon enough. he is in complete control of his mind and confirmed /ourguy/
Why did he do this? Was there some kind of incentive for it, like a big bet?
Everyone already knows starvation is a thing, though.
I'm betting he wanted to hop off roids but not make it obvious that it's the reason he lost all his gains so he went Auschwitz mode via fasting to cover for his fraud lifestyle.
At least post before and after pics.
world record is 388 days though. 40 is nothing.