This is a body of a ballet dancer. Aesthetics, elastic and functional strenght

This is a body of a ballet dancer. Aesthetics, elastic and functional strenght.

Attached: male-ballet-dancer-posing-gray_155003-3013.jpg (626x938, 90.77K)

>This is the body of a ballet
Stopped reading there, he's a faggot

imagine crushing his skull with your hands aha

I wouldnt call it aesthetic but I can recognize they can do some cool stuff.
The real faggots though are OP who thinks ballet dancers will fuck him despite the fact most dance alongside girls as their partners.

Imagine being unable to ohp your own bodyweight.

lets see that "functional strength" when has has to lift something or fight someone

He lifts attractive women all the time.

Male ballet dancers are swimming in prime cut grade A pussy. I'm an amateur ballet dancer and I get enough fit girls and have spoken to enough pro ballet dancers to know just how much clunge they get. Yeah there are a handful of fags but if youre not one of those you will be manhandling some of the hottest, most flexible, craziest bitches on the planet both on and off stage.

This gets more puss than anyone here

Seen ballet once in my life. What I remember watching men performing is that they had pretty impressive legs. I agree with op, this is aesthetic looking body.