So oldfags told me that Zig Forums used to recommend SS a lot. What happened that Zig Forums hates SS so much nowadays?

So oldfags told me that Zig Forums used to recommend SS a lot. What happened that Zig Forums hates SS so much nowadays?

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The ever-churning wheel of contrarianism and gas-lighting that is quintessential to this website

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Insecure lookism fags ruined this board

Dumbasses obsessively, autistically stuck with it rather than just doing it for a while then changing up to a different routine.

>What happened that Zig Forums hates SS so much nowadays?

First off, have you actually read the book itself? I just finished reading it, and it was five hundred and six pages of Mark Rippetoe rambling on repeating himself over and over again, and showing off his knowledge of human anatomy and muscle naming. This could have easily been 150 pages total if Mark left the stupid shit about muscle anatomy and redundant repetition out:

>15 pages for the intro to barbell lifting
>20 pages each for the squat, press, bench, deadlift and clean
>15 pages for the programming section
>20 pages for the extra exercises

Just that is reason to hate by itself. I will say this, Rippetoe does know how to perform the exercises and knows how to train athletes, but sometimes it got ridiculuos, I couldn't differentiate between a book about lifting and a human anatomy lecture by some 100 year old rambler.

Anyways, the exercise selection is OK. I would argue that rows as opposed to cleans and incline curls instead of chinups is the way to go. A 5x5 is very good, and his diet advice is basic, at best.

People here hate it because doing so became hip and a meme almost, mostly due to people posting fatasses who did SS+GOMAD, which is ridiculous becase you can drink a liter as opposed to a gallon and still grow, without putting on so much fat, and exercising more often thatn 3 days a week to get bigger muscles.

Cardio wouldn't hurt either, at the very least jumping rope for 15 minutes a day.

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>rows as opposed to cleans and incline curls instead of chinups

This, Zig Forums is comprised largely of edgy, reactionary people that just instinctively hate anything popular or generally considered true. In fact, this is so integral to the site that just being a normal person will get you insulted for being a 'normie'.

The reality of lifting programs is that almost all programs work. Provided you don't autistically stick to it and instead make slight adjustments overtime based on what you would prefer to focus on, all programs work as a base for your lifting.

what? the program is 3x5