How did you do it? For how long were you able to quit?
Anyone who values their mental health must leave this website.
Anons who have managed to leave Zig Forums
I've been here since 2009 and the only time I actually browsed almost daily was that year. From 2013 to 2015 I didn't even lurk. At most I check Zig Forums once or twice a month for the memes.
I quit this shithole cause it sucks balls compared to just about any other chan, but since that asshole in the wheelchair keeps destroying other chans I browsed here for a while, which I regret. Everyone who still posts here is a fucking idiot.
Every time I "leave" it's because I have something else sucking up the time, like an MMO or a life.
Just came back for the first time in a month yesterday.. I'll lurk and post for a couple days and then get disgusted and leave for another month
Was starting to make friends before shut down but then it happened and I've been stuck with no one to talk to beyond small talk for a month so I come here for that tiny bit of validation
Wish I didn't feel like i need even this much but if I don't I fall into very very deep depression
I've been here since 2006. You'll be back.
>being so mentally weak that this or any digital content is a threat to your health in any way
Also Facebook fucks people up more than this place, stop being a faggy edgelord.
I was here in 2007-2009 and checked it religiously. Only on Zig Forums really and then i don't know what happened, one day something just snapped and I stopped looking at it for more than 10 years. I just came back and discovered Zig Forums and Zig Forums and some other ones too and I am hooked like I was before. It's the same kind of addiction, and I feel like I will just get fed up and forget about it again for another 10 years. It's kind of cool but there's only so much it offers without being very repetitive.
There is value to be found from it though.
Actually I remember lying in bed thinking "oh shit I'm using Zig Forums too much. I will stop." And then I fucking stopped.