How do you get a gf bros?

How do you get a gf bros?

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Do not do this, forsake w***n and achieve gains. Nothing good comes from vaginas

Superlike a girl you used to work with in highschool on tinder; worked for me

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You dont

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Play animal crossing with a weeb girl you have added on instagram, that you met at some convention a while ago. Become bros and then ask her to go on an irl picnic date with you.

That's how I did it.

Don't care, as in, you need to not care. Focus on making yourself a man and the bi9tches will come to you.

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Be a cheerful/witty, assertive kind hearted guy and have your shit under control or at least be in qualified pursuit

*advice only applies to men who have good facial genetics

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make her laugh. that's it. if you're funny and not too autistic you can be fat, carless, live with your parents, have a shitty job and still get a gf

A sword in its sheath is still a sword. If who you are on the inside is good, the outside will reflect that.