>tfw developed an asian fetish when I got fit
Got asianed
Thomas Watson
Jose Kelly
Jayden Stewart
Sebastian Cox
Zachary Garcia
the aoc is super low in a lot of asian countries too which is cool
Nathaniel Turner
>the aoc
speak english
Landon Nelson
>tfw lost my asian fetish after getting Zig Forums, dating an asian and visiting Japan
The fact that most people on this website think Japanese are pale skinned with Caucasian noses makes me laugh.
Brody Thompson
I lived in Chiba for awhile and just like everywhere else, most people are ugly. You're just mad that you could only pull gross chicks
Carson Robinson
>go to japan
>still be incel in japan
>get sour
when will they learn?
Gabriel James
who would win a fight to the death?
Future of only white caucasian children or asian gf?