How strong do you actually have to be to manhandle a 170lb/77kg girl?

How strong do you actually have to be to manhandle a 170lb/77kg girl?

What lifting goals should I have?

Attached: 1596676449656.jpg (1080x1056, 322.2K)

At least 77kg, user.

Anything above 130lbs isn't a girl, just a pile of lard

You are addicted to porn.

Attached: sniff.jpg (480x853, 83.28K)



How do I get a gf like this?

Wow, what a body

in each hand? like dumbells?

You fuckers watch too much porn, her blubbery ass is guaranteed to have cellulite.

Anyone know any porn stars, that look like ops pic?
I'm horny now

imagine how many of your babies she could pop out though

my gf is the same physique and weighs around 180. i have a 1500 total

Cellulite turns me on.

Attached: 1595284699662.jpg (600x600, 26.16K)

Who is this?

Holy shit

Just look on big fat fuckers dot net or barely human dot com and I’m sure there will be plenty.

seethe harder

Post body

just say that you are gay

Why can't more girls have a body like this?
The average girl body is so boring.

Attached: 1587466219691.png (449x320, 175.35K)

The reason this body is attractive is because it’s uncommon. If the average girl looked like this it wouldn’t be as hot

Wait fuck that’s retarded I wish every girl had these goddamn proportions

You gotta be able to ohp your girlfriend with ease. That guarantees you're strong enough to throw her around when fucking.

>OHP 135
shit i gotta ways to go

no, attractiveness is determined by biological features that signal sexual maturity, health and fertility
her milker are a very stronk sign of maturity and fertility thus blind anons from her fatness and facial features

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>It's uncommon

Maybe in Europe or Asia, but lardasses like the one in OP's pic are a dime a dozen in America.


Post body

I'm fucking down bruh

women like this are a horror show with their clothes off

lmao what the fuck is this picture

If this bitch wasn't wearing a push-up bra to hold her saggy tits, a girdle to press the lard of her stomach, and a high waisted and tight shorts to hold her celulitic ass, you would see she is just a fat ugly girl.
You coomers need to stop watching porn. This is not fertile nor attractive. Just unhealthy like your brains.

And you must be at least 15kg above your gf's weight for her to even consider you a man


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I fucked up my lower back. So I probably will never be able to do it.

t. filthy Westerner

imagine watching so much porn you think cellulite is not normal

Interesting how no one was able to answer OPs question. Does Zig Forums actually know anything about strength?