be honest fit, does bulge size matter in bodybuilding? :(
>t. 16cm hard dicklet
be honest fit, does bulge size matter in bodybuilding? :(
>t. 16cm hard dicklet
mindy is my waifu
>only "sport" when the size of your junk is overtly visible to competitors
>also the only "sport" where the only way to compete is to build massive quads (which makes your dick look smaller proportionally) AND you have to take anabolics which shrink your testicles (decreasing the size of your bulge)
Just don't bodybuild. It's fucking gay.
16 cm is aight my dude
t. 16cm proud dicklet
Be proud of ur dick no matter the size. Its all about the m/s anyway
16 cm is well above average you insecure faggot
16 cm ? Nice cock
your dick size is in the 75% percentile of dick size in western countries. So you're like a C+ on this one 'course' you can't change your grade in, which sucks when you're a straight A student in all your other 'courses' of life, but it won't make or break you from getting into the school of your dreams anyway. rise up user
My bulge is always tiny when working out. All the blood flow is to my muscles. Doesn't help that I'm not a shower either. I don't think you should worry.
18 cm (7") reporting in, i have a pretty decent bulge whenever im not on nicotine (shit give me hard flaccids for some reason)
26cm here pls no judge at my little pecker :'(