How is everyone feeling? What's going on with you, fitness related or not

How is everyone feeling? What's going on with you, fitness related or not.

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Wanna kms. The usual.

Keep multiple spouses, that mormon feel

gonna fuck a new to me chinkarino hooker tomorrow. should I lick her bunghole? should she lick my poophole? finger her coocherino? the possibilties are endless.

Was injured for 5 or 6 weeks but feel like I'm at 90% again and ready to lift properly. Pretty excited. Not too much else going on. Not sleeping too well but I'll fix that. Got leaner during downtime so that's cool.

>work in a nursing home
>benefits were pretty good when I started
>coof happened
>employer started dropping benefits left and right
>effectively killed any and all raises for the foreseeable future
>supposed to get my signing bonus this month but not expecting it to actually come

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>gf found out ive been cheating on her with a guy multiple times
>went through my phone while i was downstairs
>forgot to delete grindr
>sees notification pop up
>opens my phone and sees our chat
>full of cock and ass pics
>dirty talk about wanting to touch cocks and cum in each other
>screenshots it all and sends to herself
>tells me she has to help her family and leaves
>didnt think anything if it
>she confronts me when she asks me to meet her for coffee
>shows me all the chats and said shes fucking disgusted in me
>wants nothing to do with me
>throws her cold brew in my face and slaps me
>blocked me on all social media
>posted my chat logs online for her friends to see
>family found out, brothers and sisters wont talk to me
>parents telling me i need to move out soon
>friends stop talking to me
>miss my gf so fucking much
>want her back more than anything
>feel suicidal since she left me
>get institutionalized for a week because parents saw me popping pills and self harming
I just want her back , is there even a chance?
I dont know what to do any

I don't understand some people
>have clear goals in my life and working towards them
>people chime in with
>"dude but you should fix this non existent issue here in your life that is totally none of my business"
Yeah fuck off. There's also
>do something with some degree of danger, but keep everything under control and take all measures
>everyone loses their shit
>"dude but what if something BAD happens"
What sort of bad could ever happen? Why is everyone so scared of nothing. But the one that bothers me the most
>"dude bro we should like totally hang out ur so awesome and we could do this n this and that"
>uh ok what about tomorrow
>"na bro maybe some other day"
>repeat x infinity
Why even talk to me in the first place? Does it really make people feel validated or some shit that others are willing to hang out, despite not wanting to do so?
Might sound like whining about tiny little meaningless things but I get the above three so often. I'm used to it most of the time, tell myself it's normal that everyone is a fucking idiot, but I'm starting to get sick of it. Having to accept that everyone is retarded to not be socially inept is such a silly way to live, at times I feel like it's better to be alone.

Stop being a flaming faggot

Just working out, pic related is me.

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