The German Green Party wants to forbid all advertisement for unhealthy food.
The German Green Party wants to forbid all advertisement for unhealthy food.
germans being authoritarian? imagine my shock
god white women were truly made to satisfy BBC's
They also want to flood Europe with an even greater amount of niggers.
Choose wisely.
I'd love the precedent, but they should ban ads for all unhealthy behavior.
yeah, they dont want the kids to be fat. That would be a total bonerkiller for them.
At the same time in the USA.
Won't include chocolate
Fucking retard. Pretty soon the only food advertisements will be of vegan crap.
Based Hitler is back
Just one thing: who is going to define what exactly is unhealthy food? It would open a very epic precedent
Would be cool to see if that has a big impact. Now if there were also classes about health starting very early.
Basedness depends on their definition of “unhealthy foods”.
Who decides what healthy means? While there are some obviously unhealthy foods like cola, no single item of food or even meal can really be consideref healthy, because its the composition of the entire diet that matters
Everything except Soja and Bionade
PE, biology, home ec, etc.
Apparently they want to tie it to the WHO criteria. So amount of saturated/trans fats, sodium and probably some nutrient density formula.
I don't get how you retards immediately spam this shit every thread.
Get fucked fattso
well no one cares what the green party wants
Who decides what is unhealthy? The German Green Party are fucking communists, they screw up even a good idea with their ideology.
Eat PUFAs they are good for you.
Go vegan, it is healthy.
Eat the bug.
None of these really do much and aren't standardized. You'd need an actual mandatory curricula, starting in grade 2 or so by teaching kids soda is bad and going up all the way until they're 16. Too bad the scientific community can't even get to a consensus with all the shitty malpractise about nutrition and lifestyle.
the German Greens have been a significant force for a while, they got 20% of votes in the most recent european election.
But sure, keep lurking on Zig Forums ignoring what goes on in the real world, fucking retard
>Apparently they want to tie it to the WHO criteria. So amount of saturated/trans fats, sodium and probably some nutrient density formula.
Not amount of added (artificial) sugar? If not, then big sugar is even bigger than I thought.
Sugar is amongst the critical points, advertisment for sodas will be heavily impacted for example.
That didn’t work for smoking and it won’t work for pop.
Smoking declined heavily in first world countries though, what's your point man?
The will be probely in the next government.
What is a healthier population worth if its not german anymore ? Cant have both with the Greens.
Basiert Deutschland
Worked for smoking. I talk with a Tabac shop owner,
im gratefully ignoring the green party yes
i was also referring to the german parliament in which they are the smallest party (9%)
Percentage of smokers in america is still somewhere around 25%, isn’t it?
>I’m not a smoker, I just vaping.
Could be higher if you count vaping zoomers as smokers.
Cigarette smoking has fallen to below 10% in the millenial generation and newer.
>tfw 420 fuckwits have risen
Oughta pay for the Turko-Albanian luxury vehicles somehow!
define unhealthy
wtf I am voting for the Greens now
13.7 percent of the pops are actual cigarette smokers, can't find datas on vaping immediately.
The current 13% has declined from the 20% of 2005, which has been quite a sharp fall, which is nice.
Weed IS less harmful, though it's still bad for you. Also if it was legal you would not be paying any mafia tbqf, but most people in the first world can't wrap their head around such a simple concept unfortunately.