Slavery Genes

>be too poor for a gym
>too crazy and dumb to set up a diet and follow a routine
>do incredibly powerful opiates and meth all day
>mog 95% of Zig Forums
How is this fucking possible?
Zig Forums told me slavery breeding was a meme but I don't see any Africans from Africa looking this this.
Can we finally all admit that African Americans can do basically nothing and be covered in muscle?

Attached: 1596779358439.jpg (1600x900, 195.29K)

Slavery genes are real

>go to jail repeatedly
>do jail workouts
not that hard to figure out, user. The white man is too busy controlling their wealth and making investments.

You don’t know anything about this guy. Why are you acting like he didn’t lift weights or possible take steroids? I don’t understand. I live in Chicago and see blacks all day, your telling me all these skinny or overweight people have superior slave labor genetics? The people who actually believe this always post or describe certain people who are clearly strong while ignoring that the majority of its demographic are grossly overweight

meth is the best pre workout
prison is the best gym

Dude, nobody is out there with fucking meth and fentanyl addictions that is also getting yoked and doing roids at the gym.
You would just eventually pick one over the other.

You don’t know that at all, a raw assumption just because you want your faggy theory to be right

Most prisons don't have gyms with barbels and weights, that's a movie thing.

Bitch, you can't even eat on meth.
You are now seriously implying that there are people out there committed to feeding meth and fentanyl addictions but also counting macros and following a solid routine in a gym.
Think about how insane that sounds.

Mike Tyson had a cocaine addiction and spent a massive amount of time in boxing gyms