Someone spent 47 dollars for this recipe

>Someone spent 47 dollars for this recipe

Attached: Ee1E_ksWkAIv12n.png (2324x1510, 1.25M)

>mom found the potato water

Does this work?

>gallon of potato water per day
>eating raw onion a day
>chewing tree sap
>no fap
>no shampoo
>no bed sheets
>sleeping on floor
>no cardio
>watch anime
will this get me jacked in, say, a year?

I cant recall where i've read this, if at all, but i feel like that water might be poisonous.

Are you supposed to just leave the peeled potatoes next to the water like in the picture? It never specifies what you're supposed to do with the potatoes other than peel them and throw them away

>He's not eating nicotine infused sandwiches

Attached: Ee1inIeWoAE7ykZ.png (679x414, 159.38K)

Forgot cold showers


You forgot suntanning your balls and six cloves of raw garlic a day

would Zig Forums lie to you?