Just had to put my dog down bros :( what lifts can help with these feels?
Just had to put my dog down bros :( what lifts can help with these feels?
Other urls found in this thread:
dead dog lifts
Sorry for your loss, user
Very sad, reking yourself on the treadmill is cathartic
20 gauge?
riparoni doggo
anothrt doggo in couple of months
I'm sorry for your loss user, the lift that will help is lifting your head up and living like the god that your dog believed you to be.
Thanks anons. This thread should probably be deleted because it isn't really fitness related but I'm glad it's still up for the time being.
I'm going to write down in a journal a list of all the good times we had and what I loved about her, and anything else I can think of. Then I'm gonna go to the gym and keep trying to be the person I know I can be.
>"How lucky am I have to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard"
:( rest easy pup
Emotional fitness is fitness related. That quote gave me the feels.
my condolences user, may you be reunited after this life is over :)
Thanks everyone
Sorry user. Hope you feel better soon
did you at least let him score on your gf first?
consume it's flesh. don't waist those gains
I wish dogs lived longer, when my childhood dog died it broke my heart. My wife insisted on a dog so we rescued a pound puppy and I already love her but I know it's gonna hurt to say goodbye
Widowmaker squats. Go until you can't stand anymore and you're on the floor struggling to breathe. I lost a loved one recently, and widowmaker squats were an amazing outlet for me. Reminding myself that no matter how hard I try, no matter how heavy I lift, nothing will bring them back and I have to accept that
I hope the grieving process isn't too hard for you, user. Be strong for your dog, she/he wouldn't have wanted you to be sad.
He's in a better place bro.
>Rip Dog
F for your pupper, brother
I've always hated that phrase.
Cause the "better place" will always be having the dog still be here and not dead. Why tf do people even say shit like that?
OP here. I suppose it's to help the person to help move past their grief.
>How much more damage anger and grief do than the things that cause them
Sorry man, that’s real tough.
If you run 5 miles you may feel better and maybe sleep easier tonight. Like other user said keep head up
I'm at the gym right now, my eyes have giant red circles around them from crying, sort of feels good to go out in public exposed
fuck bro too soon, op dont listen to this ass
im sorry to hear man, doggos are so innocent and dont deserve death. id recommend heavy ass deadlifts or squats, or go for a jog and push yourself till you cant run no more
Fuckin GOT EM!
Sorry, brah. I'll give my dog an extra hug tonight and lift in your dog's honor tomorrow.
I lifted her into the car after we euthanized her, so jokes on you I already did it
wow man I'm so sorry it's really only a wound that can heal with time and keep improving I'm sure your dog wants you to continue to grow
K9 press or K9 curl
OP here again.
If you need to euthanize your dog and the vet asks you if you want to be there when it happens, for the love of god please say yes. When we euthanized her she looked into my eyes one last time, and I'm sure it meant the world to her that I was by her side. Dogs are so pure they don't deserve their companion abandoning them in their ultimate moment
Oh and OP, I hope you didn't let that precious meat go to waste
I feel your pain user. I was golfing today and my tee shot hit a bunny by accident and killed it right on the spot. Haven't lost a pet in a few years but sad about this.
Soil filled wheelbarrow farmers walk.
Praying for you user, dogs are wonderful companions.
Just take tylenol when you want to be more sociopathic and squash feelings. nytimes.com