In general, the most universal measure of attractiveness for men looking at women is weight (that is...

In general, the most universal measure of attractiveness for men looking at women is weight (that is, a lack of body fat).
In general, the most universal measure of attractiveness for women looking at men is height (that is, they usually prefer a taller man).

Since the 1920s, the western world has seen men get taller and women get fatter.
Is this part of why so much of Zig Forums is disappointed in the health standards of western women, and why inceldom is a thing where it once wasn't?

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Fat distribution is much more important

lotta words to say this simple fact :
Women are the reason society is decaying and their thottery will be the end of us all.

I don't hate women cause I can't get sex. I got plenty. I hate women cause they're inferior yet aren't called out for their foolishness.

>Women are the reason society is decaying and their thottery will be the end of us all.

>I don't hate women cause I can't get sex. I got plenty. I hate women cause they're inferior yet aren't called out for their foolishness.

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For a lot of women, it goes all to the belly. I do thing men started fetishizing chunkier (thicc) women and emulating ghetto standards toward women as an adaptation to them being so fat now.

Inceldom has always been a thing, it's just more known in other circles now (normies)

The reason why Zig Forums is disappointed in women is that even fat women has this insane entitlement that hasn't been there before. You can be a landwhale and go on tinder and have hundreds of matches and men drooling over you, begging for these slampigs to give them a second of their day. You are literally expected as a man to always look your best (at least body wise) but since women have it "so hard" it's okay that they get fat.

It's the reason why a lot of married men are unhappy. Their hottie 8/10 gf probably gave birth a couple of times and then never really bothered to take care of their body (who am I trying to impress, I gave birth, all kinda excuses) so now they are fat.

Women never ever get called out for their bullshit even tho their emotions are all over the place you have to accept it and just deal with it because muh pussy.

Truth. Women bitch about not being equal to men, because they see the fruits of men's labor and want it too but since birth they rarely had to try hard to get any level of success.

They're like children mentally.

women are alright but many such cases are complete messes - they do not take their shoes off when they come in my apartment! they have a messy house! all order take out! what the fuck seriuosly!!!

99 percent of the people who frequent this place are losers who suffer from ressentiment. They use this place as a support group.

>ressentiment is a sense of hostility directed toward an object that one identifies as the cause of one's frustration, that is, an assignment of blame for one's frustration. The sense of weakness or inferiority complex and perhaps even jealousy in the face of the "cause" generates a rejecting/justifying value system, or morality, which attacks or denies the perceived source of one's frustration. This value system is then used as a means of justifying one's own weaknesses by identifying the source of envy as objectively inferior, serving as a defense mechanism that prevents the resentful individual from addressing and overcoming their insecurities and flaws. The ego creates an enemy in order to insulate itself from culpability.
Hence retards like

>having an apartment
Oy vey