>get Zig Forums
>post some juicy pics
>still can't get a date on this thing
Is this a scam?
>get Zig Forums
>post some juicy pics
>still can't get a date on this thing
Is this a scam?
that's the wrong app OP you're looking for Grindr
it’s designed to keep you on it
Because they want you to be alone forever and pay them for the opportunity to not be a lone man in the garden.
I'm conflicted fit,
a lot of my uni classmates seem to be dtf, but on the other hand I'm still a virgin. I'm fit, get good grades and just want to start a family later with a loving wife.
Would it be okay to fuck these girls first?
No not really, you are just in a giant giant giant giant sea of dongs. The ratio of male to female on the site is beyond out of your favor. So it's really not worth it unless you are physically immaculate. Even though I'm probably a 6, I did get matches but it's not worth it. I get way more action irl. Think of it this way, if your mom and dad met on tinder you wouldn't be born.
>another 300 reply tinder thread incoming
In my experience, you have to not be afraid of getting rejected in your face. When I fucked girls in college, it was a leap of faith or just an obvious sign and I HAD to make the move or nothing would happen. If you sit there, nonactive; you will get nothing. If you do something, you may get rejected and lose some bridges but you will more than likely get laid unless you are some fat ugly socially awkward dude.
harvests data about what different demographic groups find attractive so that they can sell it to advertiser wanting to advertise though sex appeal with targeted ads to each demogrpahic desu
>haha le funny bloatmad guy meme xD Nyeaaaaagh!!!