Ausfag General /AFG/

How he training going lads?
Pozzbourne cunts should rope for the benefit of the country

Post home gym setups

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nuke melbourne

fuck you dandrews I don't live anywhere near melbourne
Let me go to the gym again

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Bit early for the general.

In bed recovering from a hang over

This tbqh, TWO cases where I live (probably zero active at this point) and gyms are closed, atleast I have a semi passable weight set and bench but my mental health is suffering

Genuinely don't understand MUH MENTAL HEALTH

Mine drastically improved during lock down as i wasn't going into the cbd and seeing the infinite chinks every day

Sounds like you live in Melbourne
Some of us don't live in places we hate

Sydney so close enough.

Seriously, the only downside was no gym. Other than that i could happily shitpost, read, vidya and bang my wife in peace.

am going to do cardio today, am slightly hungover and depressed so going to the gym and being around the 2-3 people there would probably lift my mood even more than just exercise alone, getting into the gym is just comfy.
I'm sure spending too much time in a big city would be soul sucking which is why I never go

>my wife
you have iso on easy mode