OH NO NO NO bros /lit/ is calling us out again
OH NO NO NO bros /lit/ is calling us out again
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poster is bait and not gonna make it
>Life is like an rpg you can't possibly max out strength, wisdom and intelligence!
kill yourself kantbot you fuckin pseud loser
lmao, nice mental gymnastics you faggots, how about you also try some actual gymnastics as well ?
haha jokes on you user, i always do my exercises on incline, there for getting smaller each session :)
While living through the words of others reduces risk it also means you need the words of other men to function. By this, /lit/ is beta.
I lift because I like to see numbers go up.
I love lifting cuz of the music
it's an excuse to play some pretty heavy shit and actually feel it
apparently, autistic kids have a hard time experiencing catharsis, who knew?
>Be me
>A year since I got into lifting and browsing Zig Forums
>The whole it turns you gay thing is a funny joke
>Twink guy on my soccer team
>Slightly taller than me, very thin
>Feminine face and extremely clear skin
>We have a 'bromance' friendship
>He asks why I don't come to the pub after games
>I say I live too far away to get home after drinking
>He says I could stay at his house
>Driving home from soccer training
>Imagining being at the pub after a game and sleeping at his house
>Suddenly imagine sleeping in the same bed as him
>Not sleeping
>Making out
>Feel very weird and gross
>Feel a little turned on
>He is a veryy cute guy after all
Fuck you all, lifting weights turned me gay, I thought it was a joke but it's not. I spent so much time thinking about male bodies I can't stop now, goddamnit.
He is 100% right
I lift for women and openly say if there was no women alive i wouldnt lift 1 weight in my life
Walking/running and eating healthy is enough to be healthy
He is smarter than 99% of Zig Forums people
haha numbers go zoom
Embrace it
>claim to be literate
>frown upon physical fitness
you know, ancient philosophers were fucking ripped
>be /lit/
>only read harry potter
yes, im an intellectual
Why does this happen so much? Does lifting really make you gay, or just hornier and more susceptible to these sorts of thoughts?
literally me
I can't wait to outdo myself again
Its because you were gay beforehand but in society being gay is not possible so you get tricked to like women
As a kid you see your dad and mom loving each other, you see family or random people, women and men together kissing, most porn is women and men kissing, through out your whole life you get programmed to like women
Then you go and slowly get an independent mind, you start lift, test rises and you dont give a fuck about things anymore, you are clear in the head and suddenly you realize you like MEN and not women
Being gay is a gene, not something you can become, and like everything with genes, you can hide it but never get rid of it
weren't they doing a orgy in LA?
yes, eating healthy and waking are probably enough to be considered 'heatlhy', but tell me, why wouldn't I want to be the best version of myself possible?
What if I live in a dangerous third world country and want to be as strong as possible to protect myself and those I love?
this is retarded and untrue. there is no "gay gene," there's genes which make it more likely to do risky activity and genes/prenatal testosterone which predispose men to hypersexuality
male homosexuality is an extension of hypersexuality. gay men get their rocks off about dominant/submissive sexual experience like straight people do, but with the added taboo/thrill/risk of doing it with a man. the classic gay top, i.e. the type most accepted among the classical societies, was not seen as lesser than the receiver because his assertion of authority over another man's ass was seen as a sign of virility. submissive gay men are and always have been viewed as inferior because they are willing to get fucked in the ass to satisfy their baser urges
by contrast, female homosexuality is being fat and not being attractive enough to get a man.
tl;dr working out increases test and encourages hypersexual behavior if you're predisposed to it
Reading is for fucking nerds, nerd.
how can you argue this? if it were true that gay men are hypersexual, then that would mean most gay men have sex with tons of partners and aren't normal people who settle down and get married
Imagine listening to faggots that read books. Imma steal some fags book next time I see him reading in public.
his wife's boyfriend must be jacked
then how do you explain the strong correlation between older brothers and odds of gayness? for each older brother you have the odds of you being gay increases 33%. this applies even to adopted children who never met their sublings. the only way i can see this happening is if it was in everyones genetics but only certain circumstances cause it to become expressed.
Because exposure to prenatal testosterone increases the more children the mother has.
You just appreciate the male aesthetic more. You admire the work and dedication it takes to have a great male physique.
And by comparison women seem boring because for them outside of basic care it's just RNG whether their fat goes to the right places or not and they end up hot.
There's a reason that to the Greeks men were for pleasure while women were for babies. It's because only men can appreciate the struggle for their physique.