/PLG/ - Powerlifting General

nu-trips edition

>How to The Press with Big Boy

>How to bench press with Scott Mendelsons

>How to squat with Chris Duffin

>How to deadlift with Chris Duffin

Additional videos and reading on benching, squatting, deadlifting, bands, accessories, etc., can be found in the pastbin.

>The official pastebin

>Tripfag Numbers

Check the pastebin for /PLG/'s collection of PROGRAMS that are ALL confirmed to be shit.

If you want a METHOD that actually works, check the all things conjugate pastebin below

Attached: 2020 alignment chart.jpg (3994x2406, 1.52M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>Making your thread early so you can have your shitty meme as OP pic

>caring about Zig Forums

>noooo you can't make and post content we need to LARP and blog about trannies and communists!!

shit thread

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Who the fuck are you

Dont forget gays.

neutral good

Can you believe that PLG used to generally be about lifting and bantz, with only ironic homosexuality?

onions shaw

I'll leave that bit up to y'all I guess
a stranger on the internet, what did you expect?
also this


For me its bench and spoto, salmon on bbq, synthwave and good weekend vibes. all of the undergrad kids are moving so I might go pillage their curb furniture to continue populating my basement

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Some sushi with rum havent decided what exactly yet gonna order it in a few mins.
I forgot what the rest stands for probably some faggot shit like feels or music.

Is spotoshot basically what I remember it being? I can't remember if it was 2x/wk

Nothing today, beginning LP tomorrow to regain my gainz
Protein shake with milk and more protein shakes later on. Apple and coke zero for lunch. Then I munch on nuggaroos tonight
Allman Brothers
Gud, went to beach yesterday. Motivated me to finally start cutting.

I mean literally spoto press as one of my exercises, not running spotoshot

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No one congratulated or hi5'd me ;-;

How much do squat, deadlift and bench press assist each other, to what extent?
Does chin up or pull up assist any of them?

That's because I sold my four (4) linkies at $4.00 and I'm salty I could have made loadsamoney
But also nice work now get to 2plaet

Deficiet diddly.

I brought the bar a lil closer to me to see if that'd help with the bar path. I've been told I have ridiculously small ankles and sometimes sandals fit me weird if it wraps around my ankles. What do y'all think?

Also I will be training mixed grip moar now since apparently developing muscle imbalances is not significant from doing so.


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You would have had enough for a whole month of gym membership, damn sux for you fren

Looks snappy gj
>Gym membership
Could have bought an ez curl or something for that tho. What are you up on them

Fucking same sold it all at like 7 thought its gonna dump again like it did before everytime after a pump and well it didnt.

Snappy....? Snap and DL doesn't sound like a good thing.

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I mean yeah I'm with you on the home gym thing, I haven't been inside an actual gym for about a decade.
I bought in at like 60c. Only a small stack because poor af but still enough to buy me some good shit if I cash out. If I don't cash out and the $1000 meme comes true, I'll be set, probably never have to work again.

I tried mixed grip dl once, slipped a rib out of its track, shit just popped off from the underhandside. Never done it since.

link never dumped in the last 3 yrs, what are you talking about

>That guy that eats ribs while deadlifting
Based and bbq-pilled

Are you retarded literally after every pump it dumped to the price before pump. Happened like 10 times in past 3 years.

Asked my mum if the local eggs were ok to drink raw, that I wouldn't get the shits or anything from it. She looked at me in a weird way like, "wtf are you doing user? Are you ok?".

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No I mean from my ribcage, a rib 'popped' and it was all wrong and stuff and doctor had to push it back in.

>Bbq user has his own cage of ribs AND a Bbq doctor to catch them if they fall out
>The gym at which he lifts lets him bring these with him
Supremely jelly, my dude.

Cooking them makes them more bioavailable, and it only takes a minute

They're more useful to you cooked
Fuck I want intraworkout ribs

Can't be bothered to cook in the morning. Just wanna get somethign down quickly and go to work.

set chart to max
those do not look like massive dumps to me, maybe we have different definitions of what constitutes a dump

Your rib wasn't displaced, and the chiropractor scammed you.

How can people be so lazy?