Vegan General /VG/

vegans rise up

Attached: 55oaSITr.jpg (722x722, 42.83K)

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Yellow weakling general

>be me
yeah, i think I'M FUCKED UP

Attached: swedish-fucked-up-joker.jpg (800x1066, 117.93K)

Serious question: his biceps look legitimately fairly big and defined in that picture. How can someone with arms like that be unable to do pull ups?

Attached: 1557360870762.jpg (250x244, 8.33K)

Because that picture is almost a decade old, nowdays he hardly ever works out and is fat.

he could do pull ups when he looked like this, pretty sure he does them in pic related video. He struggles with them now because he's heavier and doesn't train them as much as he used to.

Pull ups actually don't work your biceps as hard as chin ups. It's mostly in your triceps, shoulders, and back.
I'm skelly and I can out pull-up a surprising number of built dudes simply because they haven't trained those specific muscles and of course, bodyweight difference.

Imagine this:

You’re a prominent fitness figure. Richard asks if you’d take part in a debate for his channel, you agree. He proceeds to whine, use non arguments, use cherry picked Wikipedia articles to justify his stance all while speaking down to you very condescendingly in a holier than thou and matter of fact tone. Each time you make a real solid argument, even if you acknowledge any good points on his part, he just completely ignores what you clearly said and twists things to make it sound like you were suggesting something different. He runs around arguments and argues against things you never even suggested, for the sake of making himself sound right to his followers. Finally, he hits you with a major rant and criticizes all of your points saying you make no sense and can’t take any criticism, uses as hominem, and tried to say you’re defeated. He asks for your response, and you hold up a few pictures of his tranny wife’s OF that some coomer bought and posted online and say “I rest my case”.

Sound like something Joe Rogan would do desu.