>high school 2014
>ask hot girl who used to be in my classes to prom
>brutally rejects me while laughing laughing
>never went to prom
>serve 6 years in Marines
>get civilian job in mail room of insurance company
>realise the chick working at the coffee shop below my work is the chick who rejected me in high school
>gave her a fake name for my order
>I look completely different and she doesn't recognise me at all
>she always smiles and flirts with me and remembers my fake name since I usually do the coffee run
Every time I see her I want to fucking strangle the bitch and it ruins my day. I joined a boxing gym and I usually hit the heavy bag to work out the rage but it's just growing inside of me. What should I do Zig Forums?
Containing the rage
Julian Myers
Owen Lee
Ask her out and choke her in bed.
Nathan Martinez
Get with her, make her really comfortable and when she feels really safe, tell her your real identity and drop her on the spot. Bonus points if you post lewds of her when you're done
Evan Collins
Step 1: stop larping on Zig Forums
Anthony Wright
Ask her our for a hike and kill her.
Change towns after a month.
Angel Green
Why arent you in free college ride jarhead.
Ryder Martin
Ask her to spar and beat the fuck out of her
Bentley Nguyen
>high school 2014
you have to be at least 18 years old to post here
Joseph Bailey
>Be a 8, get mad because she didnt want to go out with a 4.
Alexander Rogers
Destroy her self-image