Lets see what you got
Neck thread
13 and a half bro? go do some neck curls right now
17" here
kek you might as well put on a collar and transition with that girly neck
My unflexed forearm is thicker wtf...
Lmao doubt
48cm / ~19"
Post body
Damn, you were right
24" please don't bully
Post girth :)
cute ginger beard
girth of what?
>naturally have brown hair
>beard grows in reddish
fuck my life
>tfw 14" neck
or idk i dont wanna measure it but my waist is 28" so that would be just half for my neck
Fuck you. Brown hair and Auburn is based
Hop on some tren, OP. All the lifting in the world didn't get my neck past 15 inches until I embraced the dark side.
huh how is that bad? reddish beards are hot at least for me... now post body
user, I...
I don't measure that sicko.
user thats the same girth as my erect male penis
Post body
mine is actually bigger than his neck, 36.3cm / 14.3"
keep in mind this is completely unflexed
You cant be a twink withhair on your stomach, faggot. Absolutely disgusting!
Why are you here if you don’t even lift
That's quite impressive. What's your height and weight
6'4" 265lbs, around 24% body fat
user how are you so thick?
Wheres the hair. I have like one or two below my bellybutton.
Jesus christ. Post body
17" at neck
12" at forearm
44" at hips
48" at navel
hey lifters
I would if I had a decent picture. It's fairly underwhelming atm anyway since I started out as a low-T basedboy with absolutely no ability to make progress naturally in any endeavor, especially fitness.