Neck thread

Lets see what you got

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13 and a half bro? go do some neck curls right now

17" here

kek you might as well put on a collar and transition with that girly neck

My unflexed forearm is thicker wtf...

Lmao doubt

48cm / ~19"

Attached: neck.jpg (1917x1024, 604.42K)

Post body


Damn, you were right

Attached: 145F2A68-EC69-4E2E-93AF-24FD901D8994.jpg (3264x2448, 1.39M)

24" please don't bully

Post girth :)

cute ginger beard

girth of what?


>naturally have brown hair
>beard grows in reddish
fuck my life

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>tfw 14" neck
or idk i dont wanna measure it but my waist is 28" so that would be just half for my neck

Fuck you. Brown hair and Auburn is based

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Hop on some tren, OP. All the lifting in the world didn't get my neck past 15 inches until I embraced the dark side.

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huh how is that bad? reddish beards are hot at least for me... now post body

user, I...

I don't measure that sicko.

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user thats the same girth as my erect male penis

Post body

mine is actually bigger than his neck, 36.3cm / 14.3"

keep in mind this is completely unflexed

Attached: forearm.jpg (2500x1127, 821.21K)

You cant be a twink withhair on your stomach, faggot. Absolutely disgusting!

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Why are you here if you don’t even lift

That's quite impressive. What's your height and weight

6'4" 265lbs, around 24% body fat

user how are you so thick?

Wheres the hair. I have like one or two below my bellybutton.

Jesus christ. Post body

17" at neck
12" at forearm
44" at hips
48" at navel
hey lifters

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I would if I had a decent picture. It's fairly underwhelming atm anyway since I started out as a low-T basedboy with absolutely no ability to make progress naturally in any endeavor, especially fitness.