Any Zig Forumsbros struggle with autism?

Any Zig Forumsbros struggle with autism?

Attached: 1596395014758.webm (480x853, 2.62M)

god i want a slighty autism girlfriend(but not a lot of autism just a cute amount of autism) gf....

>sensory overload
I'd overload her cunt if you know what I mean

so fucking cringe kys

why does she have a gap in one of her eyebrows?

no i dont know what you mean

>tfw no retard gf

Attached: 1597134513876.webm (640x790, 2.15M)

Grill here with suspected high functioning autism. Autism fucking sucks..super hard to make connections with people. Not catching onto body language and lacking empathy can also be detrimental to maintaining relationships.

>Tfw 25 and single

>autist prone to sensory overload
>on tik tok

What do you mean?