Post and R8
Very good OP.
This format is shit and doesnt make sense
I enjoy the fit and girl
I like the home and lifestyle
>not wanting Arnold and your girl
that pic is cringe as fuck
I don't need women, they will slow down my ascension.
Good, I really like the clothes
A simple and respectable life
Simple and effective
cant say anything sticks out to me here
good to see you again hair autismo
+hair, body, jackets (not a fan of the rest of the style), home, lifestyle
based Mentzer poster
>ancient philosopher lifestyle + niggerized thicc meme-tier women
yep, it's Zig Forums retard time
3/4 like the clothes.
3/6 wtf is that girl, like the home.
1/4 only thing good is the hair.
6/6 verry comfy homes bro.
3/4 epic style, fuck hairy armpits.
6/6 philosophy and comfy homes.
no time to r8
>b-but time to browse Zig Forums????
9/10 I fucks with the style
8/10 Entrepreneur shit is kinda cringe
9/10 body and chick carry hard, bald kinda cringe
8/10 Nice chick rest is good too
+body, style, home, hair
i'm conflicted on if I'm repulsed by this or in love with it
>wanting costa's body
Have you seen the back of this man's head?
ultra baste
Unbelievably based. She represents that unobtainable ideal for me.
>Ivan Drago
>the best Joestar
Almost exceptionally based, but hitting women is un-based.
Almost put the same chick (the one with the DSLR & abs) in my own. Supremely based for that and the appreciation of Epictetus. I'm partial to Aristotelian views myself.
Based for reading OPM and women choice
Based MGS fan & woman pick
All round good. especially based for Gutsu
Before you ask: yes, I am.
>based colonizer
have this
Yeah homie got fucked by Adesanya as well lmao, still aesthetic god. I’ll be a little leaner after I bulk
this is a gay man pretending to be straight