Women at the gym/ragepost thread

I swear man one day im going out of the gym in handcuffs
These stupid bitches have the nerve to come to an open area where people are practicing for hours, kettlebells ,martial arts, to do their stupid exercise you can do at home and hook their phone up to the radio and blast annoying fucking music for 15 minutes making everyone leave.When everyone leaves and I leave last closing the door they open it for no reason making stupid fucking noises

I swear man one of these days im going to take one for the team, find them in a place with no people and cameras and beat them into unconsciousnes

How can women have such disregard for other people in the gyms.Every dude there works like a cog in a machine asks eachother hor work ins, how many sets etc. while these roasties hog entire sections while talking for hours on end and having complete disregard for any semblence of order

Post your own rage fuel

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Tell them to turn their music off. Tell them to move.

I don't want them to call security or make a fucking scene which I know they will.Thankfully there are two open areas but goddamn i hate women

>mexican zoomers acting like fucking childish retards to cope with their extreme awkwardness/dissociation from being in an environment that they're not used to

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>playing music outloud
hey could you please use headphones?
>women taking your space
hey excuse me I was using this space

not rocket science

But user, you're dealing with women here

The women in my gym are fine. Mostly they just stick to cardio, but the ones who lift are cool. It's always the dumbass groups of multiple zoomers and the cross-training dudes going back and forth between the racks and like three other pieces of equipment who are annoying.

Which is actually a lot more challenging than rocket science

wtf are you even talking about im from montenegro

You people don't think anybody has told them this yet.Me and a bunch of other people have told them, they just shrug it of or say some bullshit on the line of "this is where our zumba class is

Literally only beating them or pissing on them their shit will work at this point

Are you fucking retarded? just be polite and respectful and there won't be any trouble.

>I won't unplug my music
>if you don't I'm going too
>they don't
>go unplug their music
show them you actually have some balls and they'll listen

You are a fucking moron read thread first literaly dozen of people have told them to turn that shit down

It's less trouble to just go to the other space

Almost every young kid does this

Yeah and then i get kicked out because im a 6'3 mountain retard and they're city hoes who get everything they want and probably know the boss

one time there was some selfish bitch in the weights room who was doing fucking circuits, took up a whole corner of the gym - 2 benches and a squat rack.


This is the type of person you get, when you spend 12 hours a day on Zig Forums. Doesn't have the balls to tell them and instead uses a pseudo black pill as his excuse to not talk to them and is a whiny bitch about it. Never going to make it.

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Literally who gives a goddamn what anyone else is doing at the gym as long as they're not hogging up all the equipment get a grip Zig Forums jesus christ

There's a simple solution and you may think that this response is a joke, but I'm serious.

Fart. Women hate bad smells, encourage other people to rip a bad one out when they are running their shenanigans and they will fuck off the area. Probably they will complain with admin but you gotta play dumb.

>not realizing one of those posts were a joke

call them a bunch of cunts
report back

Would you have the balls to tell me this in real life or would you also powerwalk away and whine about it on Zig Forums?

How many gym hied do you think you can take on in one fight before overwhelmed
No cheating letting yourself be “overwhelmed”
No weapons including close by weights
No iamsofucjrfupfgh.jpg preworkout or other drugs
You already took a shit and don’t have to piss either

I say about 2 myself not going to lie I’m no behemoth
By the third or fourth ho I’m getting kicked in the head or hammerfisted

*gym hoes

I’m too stoned for this shit
Listen to all those baited though at least I aint that dumb

my ragefuel is autistic faggots like you posting on my board
kill yourself

Yes, I actually would have the balls to tell you so, pussy

>Frog poster telling people that someone will never make it
>Using incel terminology like black pill
You are the only guy in this thread who will never make it
It's evident you have never been to a gym

Not rage fuel, just a funny observation. In my gym I witness at one moment 5 separate girls doing some variation of the butt building movement where you use your gloots to push your hips forward. Made me laough t my self.

We allso have this "booty builder machine". I have never seen a guy use it, but its constantly being used by the girls.

>middle aged women at the gym
>machines exclusively
>set to lowest range of motion
>set to lowest possible weight
>chat to friends whilst doing sets
why do they even bother? they might as well go for lunch if all they're doing is socializing

>finiah workout aside from deadlifts
>viet thot has been on the deadlift platform for 45 minutes with a bench (which she hasnt used) a set bar (which she hasn't used) and 5kg bumpers on the bar (which she hasnt used)
>what she has done is practice kpop dance moves and take selfies literally the entire time ive been there
>gym actually enforces no deadlifts outside the platform if you're using more than lmao1pl8
>go over to thots
>>Hey i need to use the platform are you going to be long
>>oh sorry two more sets
>go to pull ups
>thot does one set of thot thrusts and returns to dancings
>finish 3 sets of pull ups
>thot still dancing
>>hey can you do your thrusts somewhere else? All you need is a bench. There's no where else to deadlift
>>i finish soon
>>I've been here for an hour and you have done literally one set. If you want to come here to dance that's fine but people need to use the equipment for it's designed purpose
>>you harassment me! I talk to manager
>thot cries to manager
>manager has been watching her the whole time
>tells her that if she's not using equipment appropriately she needs to move so others can
>she storms out
Every time I've seen her since she's just left

Have sex