>8 supersizes vs 8 superskinnies
Am I autistic? But these skinny people just seem normal to me, or what should be normal at least
>8 supersizes vs 8 superskinnies
Am I autistic? But these skinny people just seem normal to me, or what should be normal at least
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fat propaganda. ignore
>Am I autistic?
>fat people
Fatties trying to normalise bein fat what did you expect?
Is this what's considered super skinny now? That is what normal people are supposed to look like.
>awwright just get in your skivvies an' go in this sterile conference room
Of course, but you can bet that they'll picture them as absolutely unhealthy people who throw up every time they eat if they eat at all and are absolutely fucked in every possible way due to how "skinny" they are.
anorexics probably wouldn't show up. they're normal, but still skinny dude.
The dude on the far left has the same bf as me only I actually have muscle
This seems like propaganda
litterally you shouldn't look like any of these people
left bunch is just barely above emaciated, and right are obese
if you're left, LIFT MOAR and EAT MOAR
if you're right, LIFT MOAR and LOSE WEIGHT FATTY
I guarantee every one of of those people on the left is within the normal bmi range.
It's just that you aren't used to seeing normal size people in the modern world.
They are smaller than normal, but not abnormally small. The others are clinically obese though not 'supersized'.
I've also thought the exact same thing
yeah but they're still skelly twinks who need MOAR SCOOPS.
2 of the women and that 1 old guy, yes. But the rest are freakishly skinny.
fatty cope
>ah yes the walking stick with sticks for arms and legs is normal
Scandinavian hands wrote that post
The power stance is impressive, I'll give him that.
Daily reminder that 7 in 10 people in the US are either overweight or obese.
"Normal weight" in the US is being overweight. The people in the OP are at a healthy weight, but that's unironically not normal in the US. You can even see examples of it in some of the replies here. ()
>inb4 why
US corporations profit off of putting the cheapest ingredients in food, which is calorie dense and meant to drive up profits.
Any european will also tell you that portion sizes in the US are absolutely fucking retarded, fastfood is too cheap (and healthy food too expensive, depending on where you live), and the perception of a healthy weight is skewed as well.
damn it feels good to be yuro. I'd rather have more syrians than fat people
The lanklet nearest the scale would classify as super skinny. The rest are just average dyels
which episode is this from lads?
Blonde girl with the bun on the right is a qt3.14
In the show the super skinnies usually have a terrible diet. Like they only eat a piece of toast and a snickers in a day or something.
I had this book when I was a lad, these boys go to a magical world where the deathfats and lanklets are fighting a war, pretty based
Have you watched the show? Some of the woman on left have coffee for breakfast and then only eat bread with some deli meat as dinner
yikes and cringe
The men? Sure, with maybe the exception of the lanklet in the back. the "women" are as flat as a board on the other hand.
> the "women" are as flat as a board on the other hand.
>implying women should have big tits unless they're lactating
ok slampig
It's based off their BMI, so although none of them are particularly anorexic looking them all have subnormal BMI if I remember right. Also it doesn't just focus on the skinny people's food amounts also focuses on their shitty eating habits as well as the fatties shit habits. Based show desu