Attached: dcxnm5y-1eb405de-9dad-4937-9426-56e8057cdb0a.jpg (341x512, 130.19K)

Attached: 121674883_367715581252987_4190482656313461411_n.jpg (1080x1350, 143.58K)

This is insanely shoped

Attached: EhrQDiLWkAIqE-6.jpg (1536x2048, 251.66K)

Yes, but I'm going to make it real

Attached: Kohei+Uchimura+Gymnastics+Artistic+Olympics+z3Cwwqre91Bl.jpg (400x600, 59.53K)

Attached: 1578642557194.jpg (518x655, 65.99K)

Attached: karelin2.jpg (614x416, 51.26K)

p-post the rest of the image

What the fuck is going on here

tfw no twink/femboy bf to humiliate

He has very strange proportions, why is his chest so small compared to his arms

Tfw no hot boyfriend to humiliate you

Attached: I+got+the+full+pic+its+so+i+had+_6ac14049f0e78e9e6fc93d31437fdbe0.jpg (640x468, 83.57K)

Attached: DAJETAZIO.jpg (1280x720, 89.74K)

I have the same almost heart shaped chest hair

Attached: 1545360474731.png (693x440, 141.95K)

Uncensored version?

Attached: 1530121749686.jpg (960x1202, 165.93K)

gotta squat heavy

Attached: 106816708_186198542865280_1350745931486570764_n.jpg (1080x1349, 166.33K)

Attached: ESuDJ3KXYAAtTj5.jpg (675x900, 93.11K)

Blue board

Attached: pepe sweats.png (1200x675, 17.02K)

>reverse search
>0 results
Hmm bro?

>I only do curls bro.

Who dat? Kohei Uchimura?

Yes, pic morphed tho

why am i gay and how do i not be gay?

a man can dream

Attached: herc.jpg (2300x4025, 1.76M)

t. 5'2''

lets not be gays together user ^^

For me? It's Klokov.

Realistic but still impressive natty goal? Everything is either un-impressive or pinned